Student Leaders 2023


Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jordan Beirakdar
Jayden Harry
Jordan Beirakdar

Message from our Sport Captains - Jordan & Jayden

Well done to our Year 6 students for competing in their first Lightning Premiership for the year against other schools in the districts. Students and staff had a great day and showed great pride and respect when competing against other schools.


Here are the results from the round:

Girls soccer - Won the grand final

Boys soccer - Came 2nd in the grand final

T-ball A - Came 1st

T-ball B - Came 3rd

Cricket A - Lost

Cricket B - Came 2nd in the grand final

Our Cricket A Team played incredibly well!
Our Cricket A Team played incredibly well!

Netball mixed - Came 2nd in the grand final

Netball girls - Made it to semi finals

Badminton - Won the grand final

Message from our House Captains - Lylah & Natalie

Our last session on Friday 19th of May was House activities run by the student leaders. This took place in the gym, students were encouraged to wear their house colours and participate in the activities. We had egg jump, egg and spoon race, egg on the plate, snake throw, just dance and teachers had to compete in the world's hardest activity hula hooping competition. 


All the students were categorized in their houses and had to compete for house points. Our principal Mrs. Buckeridge gave out bonus house points to those who were cheering and participating and putting good vibes in the air. 



On Friday the 19th of May all the captains got to experience planning an activity for the whole school. 

 It was held in the hall and children were encouraged to wear  their house colours. There were games such as just dance, egg spoon race, ball on plate, egg jump sack throw and teacher hula-hoop. Everyone did so well participating. So well done Hillsmeade!



The house winners were Green! 

Well done to all students for their participation and enthusiasm during Education Week. 



Learning Leaders    

Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra

House Leaders                                    


Blue- Kingston Davida
Blue- Emily Cowen
Red- Morgan Neal
Red- Harper Kelly
Yellow- Natalie Bartuccio
Yellow- Lylah Browne
Green- Milly Jackson
Green- Caitlin Suhr
Blue- Kingston Davida
Blue- Emily Cowen
Red- Morgan Neal
Red- Harper Kelly
Yellow- Natalie Bartuccio
Yellow- Lylah Browne
Green- Milly Jackson
Green- Caitlin Suhr


SRC Leaders 

Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead