Year 3 Update

3A-Mrs Oakley 3B-Miss Monagle 3C-Miss Keller 3D-Mr Wright 3E-Ms Ziino

3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino
3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

Week 6: To understand how to 'determine importance' within a text. 

Week 7: To understand what inferring means and how to infer. 


Week 6: To understand how to write a persuasive. 

Week 7: To understand how to write a procedure. 

MathsWeek 6 and 7: To demonstrate my understanding of Australian money. 

Inquiry (Health)


Week 6: To demonstrate my understanding of my selected Australian state or territory. 

Week 7: To learn about Australia's neighbouring countries. 

Social & Emotional Learning

Week 6: To understand what resilience means and develop strategies to overcome challenges. 

Week 7: To demonstrate my understanding of taking turns and showing sportsmanship. 

News and Reminders:


  • Homework has been sent home please see your compass page for details. A new homework grid is now available. 
  • Take home reader books have also been sent home, please see your compass page for details.  

Celebration of Learning:

Multiplication facts in 3A
Multiplication facts in 3A
Multiplication facts in 3A
Multiplication facts in 3A
Multiplication facts in 3A
Multiplication facts in 3A
3D array city
Reading in 3A
3D array city
Reading in 3A
Maths games in 3C
Maths games in 3C
Vertical multiplication in 3C
Maths games in 3C
Maths games in 3C
Vertical multiplication in 3C