
Year 4 Camp

This week the Year 4 students experienced their first camp at Camp Oasis in Mt Evelyn. It was an action-packed 3 days of rock climbing, flying fox, low ropes course, reptile house, candle making, archery, group games and a hike. It was a privilege to see the students involved in new experiences and being challenged in a safe, supportive, beautiful environment with Oasis staff clearly committed to giving our students the best opportunities possible. What was equally rewarding was knowing it was the first time away from home (and or camping) for many of the students, yet they rose to the challenge.


We toasted marshmallows around the camp fire, ate like royalty, and enjoyed the indoor gymnasium with huge games, including dodgeball. Camp was an excellent opportunity for and with the students; many fantastic moments, memories and meals were had! Simply put, it was great seeing kids being kids; the smiles and laughter was infectious.


Many thanks to our parent helpers, Carolynne and Maryanne for their wonderful assistance. Without their support, it simply wouldn’t have happened. Thank you!


From Todd Robertson and Hannah Krigsman

The Push-Up Challenge

In the month of June, some members of our school community will be taking part in the Push Up Challenge. This involves individuals volunteering to complete 3,144 (or half this sum) push-ups or alternative exercises, to raise awareness for mental health. This number was selected as it represents how many Australian lives were lost in 2021 to suicide. 


Along with reaping the benefit of all this physical activity and connecting with their community, participants will also receive mental health information every day on the app. This will hopefully start conversations and reduce the stigma around mental health. 


We want to open this opportunity up to all secondary students, staff members and families to join. Please click on the link below if you wish to join one of our schools’ teams, learn more about the challenge or make a donation to a worthy charity (raising money is optional).

Sally Donaldson (previously known as Ms Park)

Early Years Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator

Mission Training Camp

This week Year 10 and 11 students who will shortly be travelling to Vanuatu and Thailand undertook a mission training camp to prepare for their forthcoming mission awareness tours.  The camp provided the opportunity for students to listen to guest presenters as they ran workshops, discussed their own experiences of mission and shared insights on how they will best be able to adapt and serve in the foreign societies and communities they will soon be visiting.  There was also important time for the teams to build esprit de corps, learn songs of worship, prepare materials such as team T-shirts and craft activities, and to ask questions relevant to their respective mission locations.

The entire team would like to thank our guest presenters, including Inge Theron, who ran English language workshops, Nathan Flannery and Ty Thakur from UniHill Church who shared their own mission experiences, as well as Ros Manson from S.I.L. International, and Helen Sahl and Eva McMaster, from Wycliffe Australia, who ran a cultural awareness workshop today. We are also incredibly appreciative to our camp hosts from the Upper Plenty Conference Centre, who have provided such wonderful facilities and served us with such generous hearts. 

With only four weeks to go before the teams depart, we would very much value it if college families could keep the two teams in their prayers so that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the students for what lies ahead on their mission journeys, that He will keep both groups safe and that the two groups will be a blessing to the communities they will be visiting and serving.

Pascal Siatskas - Mission Awareness Tour Coordinator