From the Assistant Principal 

Sam Fleming

Greetings. I'm new around here and it's so nice to meet you. 


Today sees me chalk up my first full week as part of the Banyule Primary School community and so far it's been a hoot! Staff and children have welcomed me with open arms and, while I'm still getting my head around names, places and processes, I have certainly felt right at home. 


I thought I would use my first newsletter contribution to introduce myself. I am indeed Sam Fleming, Assistant Principal. I come from a long stint at Yarrambat Primary School where I began as a teacher. As the the school grew (Approx. 220 students when I began, approx. 640 now) my role within the school did too. I began as a Grade 1/2 teacher before changing to Grade 5/6. Soon after becoming team leader, I became a Leading Teacher in the areas of Numeracy and Inquiry Learning. In 2014 I left the classroom to become Assistant Principal. 


The prospect of working with Natalie as new Principal in what feels like is fast becoming a brand new school felt like an exciting new chapter in my career. While leaving behind a pretty special place in Yarrambat, I am so looking forward to my time here, helping Natalie to shape this special place into something even moreso. 


I live in Greensborough with my wife Liz, daughters Charlotte (almost 14) and Mabel (11), Ernie our dog and our 3 chooks- Rhonda, Sunshine and Nancy. I have lived around Greensborough and Briar Hill my whole life, so it's great to be still be working somewhat in my neighbourhood. 


When not being an assistant principal, I enjoy jumping on my bike and getting out and about. I'm also a big fan of live music but that's a little less frequent now that I'm a grown up. These days much of our weekends are also spent doing the kid-sport thing. Charlotte is a very decent gymnast and has been doing well in the Australian Gymnastics Competition and Mabel has just taken up basketball, forming a team of under 12 girls with a group of friends who wanted to play basketball having never played. It's a little like Space Jam meets Mighty Ducks, and absolutely adorable to watch as the girls are having the time of their lives, even winning here and there. If the Hawks are in town you'll also find me in the grandstand applauding what looks like a successful rebuild. 


I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting more of you at the up-coming bingo and trivia evening. Otherwise, you'll see me around this place for a while, come and say 'Hi!'.