Assistant Principal Report

Joanna Uzunovski & Deanne Scott

Joanna Uzunovski

Assistant Principal












Hello Everyone,


Safety at the school gates

Please remind your child/ren to follow the school values as they are waiting for the school gates to open in the morning. This ensures that they are safe.


We have recently been having some students play fighting, riding other student’s bikes, running across the road and kicking other student’s bags. 


The school gates open at 8.45am, so please speak to your child/ren about getting to school just before or after that time so they are not waiting too long. 


Pride and Integrity Raffle 

Last week’s class winners were: 

1/2C – Siddak, 1/2D – Sabrina, 1/2E – Legacy, 3A – Trajko, 3B – Aiden, 3C – Bill, 4A – Eli, 4C – Ethan, 5B – Amos, 6B – Tina 


The raffle winner was Siddak from 1/2C! Congratulations! 

Siddak received 10 Caught You Doing Right cards for Pride & Integrity.


2023 Challenge of the Week

 Week 6 Mathematics Challenge 

Students collaborating for week 4’s challenge earnt a Caught You Doing Right card each. 

The students were:

Faneend 1/2C

Andrew (& mum) and Nahwah 1/2D

Ali 1/2E 

Sarah (& mum) 3C

Mya, Emma, Jane and Victoria 4C

Gurugunn 5C


Week 7’s challenge is:  The Treasure Challenge 

There are 5 bags of coins. Put the bags of coins into the two treasure chests so that the big chest has twice as many coins as the smaller chest. You cannot open the bags and take coins out.


Please hand in your solutions to the office before 3.30pm on Thursday 15th June.


Deanne Scott

Assistant Principal