Acting Principal's Report

Joanna Uzunovski

Healthy Eating at School

We are noticing a lot of students bringing large bags of chips or lollies and bottles of sports drinks (Gatorade/Powerade) to school to eat and drink for their snack or lunch. Whilst we acknowledge this may be an easy option to provide, we encourage where possible that students eat an appropriately sized snack, such as a small packet of chips or biscuits, and one that is where best as possible is healthy, such as a sandwich, wrap, fruit or vegetables. We don't encourage drinks other than water, and if students choose not to bring a water bottle, they can use the drink taps throughout the day. All students have access to fruit in the classroom and at breakfast club in the morning. Please be aware that we do not allow the sharing of food between students for a number of health and safety reasons. When students bring these large bags, it is encouraging them to share foods. If they continue to bring these large bags of chips, they will be required to eat their snack inside before going out into the yard to play.


Please don't send the following items for snack or lunch:

Celebration of Learning Term 2

A reminder that our Term 2 Celebration of Learning is on Tuesday 20th June. We are excited to showcase the fantastic learning that has taken place in our inquiry units this term. Please see our information flyer below to check which rooms you can visit and what students will be sharing.

Day: Tuesday 20th June

Time: 2.30 - 3.00pm (please allow time for the classes to set up their displays before      visitors arrive)


Parent Teacher Conferences Term 2

A big THANK YOU to the families who have already booked in a time for the Parent Teacher Conferences. Within the first few hours we already had 150 bookings made! Each teacher has time available between 10.00am - 6.00pm so we hope to see all families finding a suitable time to visit their child's teacher.


Please remember, this is a student free day. We have also increased the meeting time to 15 minutes. This will allow you to speak with your child's teacher about their Semester One report and their progress in all key learning areas.



If you're unsure how to book a meeting time, you can read the guide below OR you can speak to Kelly or Lucia in the office (ph. 9363 3519), who can make a booking on your behalf.


What: Semester 1 Parent Teacher Conferences

Day: Thursday 22nd June (this is a STUDENT FREE DAY)

Time: 10.00am - 6.00pm

Who: Parents/Guardians, you may also bring your child to the conference

How long: 15 minute meetings



Kind Regards,


Joanna Uzunovski

Acting Principal