Assistant Principal 

Megan Franklyn 

Assistant Principal

Kingswood Expected Behaviours

We have been working in classrooms on learning about our Kingswood expected behaviours: be resilient, be respectful and be empathetic. Our next step is developing a matrix that describes really clearly to our students, parents, teachers and visitors what these behaviours look like in different spaces within our school. Included in this newsletter is a very early draft of what this might look like. There are statements that might seem repetitive or that need to be tightened up but what we are asking from our parent community is to let us know if there is any feedback that you would like to give us – anything to add, remove, change wording of. We appreciate any input from you! Please email me at and let me know what you think.

Mindfulness and Mental Health

This month we have been celebrating mindfulness in May to help relax the body and mind and to reduce stress and anxiety. It was great to have our Junior Mayor team run a fundraising event (Wear Green Day) also promoting mental health.


Here are some simple tips from on supporting your child’s mental health:

  1. Be there to listen
  2. Stay involved in their life
  3. Take what they say seriously
  4. Support them through difficulties
  5. Encourage their interests


Reconciliation Week

Friday the 26th of May is National Sorry Day. This is a day to remember and acknowledge the strength of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were part of the stolen generation. This is followed by reconciliation week from the 27th May to the 3rd of June. This year’s theme is ‘Be a Voice for Generations’. Students will be learning about indigenous culture throughout the week in their classrooms and there is a Performing Arts incursion to explore indigenous dance and culture. Keep an eye out on social media for examples of what the students are doing at school!

School Council subcommittee – Student Learning and Wellbeing

It’s not too late to join our little group, we are trialling a meeting date on a Monday straight after school to see if that will entice more people to join us. You do not need to be a member of school council to participate in this meeting. We look at school policies, we look at student focus group data, we ask for consultation on documentation such as the expected behaviours and you hear from our Curriculum AP (Sharon Lomas), myself as Wellbeing AP and one of our learning specialists on what is happening throughout the school. Please contact me by email ( for the details of our next meeting which will be on Monday the 5th of June, you can join us in person in the school staffroom or via WebEx.