Aaron Cox
Our Kiss & Go zone is the designated area in front of our school where drivers can briefly stop to drop off or pick up passengers. The goal is to facilitate quick and efficient passenger transfers without causing traffic congestion or compromising safety.
Here's how to use our Kiss & Go zone appropriately:
1. Understand the purpose: A Kiss & Go zone is designed for short stops only, lasting no more than 2 minutes. Its primary purpose is to allow passengers to quickly exit or enter a vehicle without disrupting the flow of traffic.
2. Observe signage and markings: Pay attention to any signs, road markings, or instructions provided in the Kiss & Go zone. These may include time limits, specific vehicle restrictions, or any additional rules that apply.
3. Plan ahead: If you're dropping off or picking up someone, plan your approach to the Kiss & Go zone in advance. Know the exact location and familiarise yourself with the traffic flow to avoid any last-minute surprises.
4. Be prepared: Ensure that passengers are ready to exit or enter the vehicle before you reach the Kiss & Go zone. This will help minimise the time spent in the zone and keep the traffic moving smoothly.
5. Keep the engine running only in the Kiss & Go zone: In most cases, it's advisable to keep your engine running while in the Kiss & Go zone. This allows for a quick departure once the passengers have safely entered or exited the vehicle. However, be aware of any local regulations that may prohibit idling.
6. Respect time limits: Our Kiss & Go zone has a two-minute time limit. Please adhere to this strictly. Leaving your vehicle unattended or exceeding the time limit may result in fines or penalties.
7. Stay alert and mindful: While in the Kiss & Go zone, be attentive to your surroundings. Keep an eye on pedestrians, other vehicles, and any instructions from traffic wardens or enforcement officers. Stay focused to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
8. Exit promptly: Once your passengers have entered or exited the vehicle, be ready to depart the Kiss & Go zone promptly. Make sure your passengers are clear of the area, and then merge safely into the flow of traffic.
Remember, the purpose of a Kiss & Go zone is to facilitate quick and efficient passenger transfer, so it's important to use the space responsibly and considerately for our other community members and practice our school value "connected to community".