Prefects News

At last week’s first-ever ‘Prefects Assembly’, the 2023 Student Leadership team announced the launch of Prefect News, the one-stop Astra resource for the student community. This is initiated, organised, created, and run entirely by the Year 12 Prefects.


The purpose of this ground-breaking project is to:

  • Communicate our new 2023 Focus Areas to the entire School community,
  • Inform the School community of ways in which we will be implementing and working on strategies to implement our focus areas,
  • Provide students with avenues to share and submit their ideas and concerns directly to Prefects,
  • Ensure long-term larger projects are continued regardless of previous leaders departing and replacements taking office, ensuring delivery of focus areas and priorities in the long-term,
  • Improve the accessibility and accountability of our elected student leaders for all Senior School students, and
  • Ensure all Prefect matters are consolidated into one Astra page, which will ensure continuity, clarity, and transparency that has previously been absent.


In summary, the Prefect News Astra page will finally provide the Prefects with the platform they need. We have recognised that in the past, productivity has been hindered by a lack of communication, and an inability to effectively communicate with the student body about their concerns and ideas, and how we can help.  This new system will create profound improvements in efficiency, project delivery, student engagement, and leadership accessibility.


Please use the link below to access the page. Alternatively you can find the page in quick links using the ‘A’ symbol or in the side links panel (left-hand side of Astra home page).


We look forward to providing students the benefits of a much-needed platform, where Prefect projects, and ideas from students are implemented and sustained for generations.


2023 Girton Grammar Senior Prefect Team