Aherne Family Night

Aherne Family Night was held on May 23rd and was a huge success. There were approximately 180 people who attended the night. It was held in the Junior School Hall and was decorated beautifully. There were many acts throughout the night, which included some acting, some musical performances, and there was even a sporting showcase! There was also a teacher's act featuring Mr McGauran and some Year 10 volunteers. Everyone presented some entertainment, and it was very impressive to see the talent in Aherne. 


However, Aherne Family did not just provide wood-fired pizza and entertainment, over $900 was raised for Foodshare. Thank you to everyone who bid on the silent auction or bought a raffle ticket - this number is only possible because of them. A massive thank you to those who very generously donated items for the night (Rebecca Ciancio, Emily Roberts, Mark Beever, Kylie Shanahan, Caryn Clark, N8 Health and Elizabeth Stewart). Your kindness and charity are greatly appreciated. 


However, the Aherne Family Night would not have gone on if there was not any help from anyone, and we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who made this excellent night possible. We would like to thank the Tech Team for setting up microphones, lights, and other things that allowed the night to run smoothly. We would like to thank everyone who helped set up; your time and effort is very much appreciated. And a massive thank you to everyone who donated something for our raffle or the silent auction. Also, thank you to all the staff members who helped with the logistics of the night. Finally, thank you to all the Year 10s who helped organise the night. 


Georgia Kempter and Evie Hauler (10 Aherne)