Senior Formal

The 2023 Senior Formal was one for the books as students of Years 10, 11 and 12 gathered for a night of fun, friendship, and dancing at the All Seasons. The theme of ‘A Night in Paris’ set the perfect backdrop for the enchanted evening that welcomed nearly 280 students and staff.


The event kicked off with the exceptional MC-ing of School Vice-Captains Ronell Masiboy (12 Jones) and Remus Brasier (12 Millward) who kept the crowd entertained throughout the night. The School Captains, Ava Griffin (12 Aherne) and Aksharan Shobanan (12 Riley), took on the awards section of the night with ‘best dance moves of the night’ and ‘MVP award for the friendliest student’ being some of the highlights.


The Prefects were also not left behind, as they curated a playlist filled with tunes that had everyone on the dance floor. And just when the night couldn't get any better, John Nankivell (12 Riley) made a surprise appearance, performing a song he wrote exclusively for the evening on his electric guitar.


The photobooth was a centre attraction, with friends and House Tutor groups taking turns to capture the memories of the night. And let's not forget the wonderful staff members who chaperoned the event and the Tech Team who created the magical ambiance that graced the room.


Overall, the 2023 Senior Formal was an enormous success. It was an evening filled with laughter, dancing, and unforgettable memories.