Principal's Report

Daniel Webber


Grandparents/Special Person Day 

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone that was able to join us on our Grandparents and Special Persons Day last Friday. Your presence made the day special for all of our students, and we cannot thank you enough for taking the time to be with us. Our students were overjoyed to have their beloved grandparents and special people in their classrooms for the morning. The smiles on their faces and the excitement in their voices were a testament to the value of enriching events like these. We look forward to welcoming you into ACPS for more events like this in the future. 


Facilities Upgrades

We are thrilled to announce that ACPS has been awarded two significant funding grants for exciting projects to be undertaken this year. We extend our thanks and appreciation to Bendigo Bank for their generous contribution of $20,000 towards the construction of a captivating dry riverbed play area. This unique addition will provide our students with an engaging and imaginative outdoor space for exploration and play. Additionally, we are delighted to share that we have received a substantial grant of $25,000 from the DET Schools Upgrade Fund. This funding will be allocated towards internal upgrades

 in the classrooms of our Year 2, 3 and 4 building, enhancing the learning environment for our students. We look forward to the remarkable transformations these projects will bring to our school community.






National Sorry Day 

Today is National Sorry Day, and I would like to acknowledge and reflect upon the significance this day holds for our nation. National Sorry Day is an important day for all Australians to remember and recognise the mistreatment experienced by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout history, particularly the forcible removal of Indigenous children from their families, known as the Stolen Generations. It is a day to express our empathy, understanding, and compassion towards those who have been affected by these actions. As a school, we strive to promote reconciliation, respect, and cultural understanding within our community. We encourage our students to learn about the rich cultures, histories, and contributions of our First Nations peoples and to actively participate in reconciliation initiatives. At ACPS, we are committed to fostering an environment of respect, empathy, and inclusivity for all members of our community. Together, we can work towards healing the past and building a more inclusive and harmonious future for all.