Library News

Mrs Heather Vassila


Don’t forget all children come to the library on Mondays for their borrowing and returning.


Kindergarten to Year 4 will attend weekly on a Monday.


Stage 3 students will attend library each fortnight. Year 5 will attend on odd week Mondays (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and Year 6 will attend even weeks (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)


Please encourage your child to bring their own, labelled, library bag, and to return books weekly which will ensure they do not miss out on borrowing.


Don’t forget, the library is open every lunchtime throughout the week and children are able to return and borrow every 2nd half lunch also.



While nothing will ever replace the wonderful pleasure of holding a great or favourite book in our hands, we do have available a wonderful ebook platform from Wheelers Books that allows children to read a large variety of books on a range of devices.


Ebooks are attached to our Oliver Library system and children can borrow an ebook just as easily as they borrow physical library books. There are 2000 different books for the children to select from, and a large variety of titles with fiction and non-fiction books available. The children easily access the books through their det portal and Oliver library. They search for an ebook in the same way they would a physical library book and Oliver Library is able to tell them what books they have borrowed. Another advantage is that if our physical copy is borrowed then another child can borrow the ebook.


Happy Reading!

Mrs Vassila - Teacher Librarian