Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Mother’s Day 

I hope all our Roselea mothers, grandmothers and mother figures had a wonderful day yesterday. It is always a lovely opportunity to catch up with family and acknowledge the important role you play every single day. Hopefully you also got to enjoy a few treats and surprises that your children picked out from our Mother’s Day Stall last Friday. Thank you to Sara G and all the volunteers for organising the stall. 


Brick Fair Thank You

What a fantastic day we had last Sunday at Roselea PS for the annual Brick Fair. The rain didn’t stop hundreds of people pouring through the school gates and enjoying the Roselea hospitality. It was a brilliant community event that was expertly organised by our P&C and in particular Sunil R. Thank you to all parents and community members who were part of the day!


Cross Country

We had a wonderful cross country carnival last Friday. The weather was perfect, and the students performed with great energy and sportsmanship. Thank you to the many parents who helped out as part of the carnival as course marshals. Congratulations to those students who progress on to the zone carnival coming up on the 25th May. Well done to the organising team of teachers who pulled off the perfect carnival!


Winter Uniform

We have now moved into our winter uniform period. It has been great to see so many students wearing their uniform with pride as they walk into school each morning. 


Principal Awards: