Week 7  in 3/4!

This week was really all about the concert. It was a HUGE day but students did really well to get through our epic three hour rehearsal and then summon the energy to go on the stage for a truly AMAZING performance! The weather was patchy but it was great students got to have a run and play during the day to break up the day a bit. The view from the poppet head was a bonus.  Students also broke up the day playing board games, cards and reading. A big thanks again to everyone for your support to make this event such a success! Thanks again to Thais and Desiree for driving such a momentous endeavor!



We did also however manage to get some 'regular' learning in through the week:


We have been starting to analyse advertising as persuasive texts. Our focus has included looking at what advertisers do to convince the consumer of the need for a product or the validity of an idea.  



In writing we have been continuing to finish off our graphic novels and narratives, almost there! We have also spent some time editing writing pieces to show correct use of conventions, such as punctuation, spelling and grammar. 



We had a double spelling test due to last week's tennis and the concert Monday. This weeks spelling pattern was the digraph 'tt' as in the word letter. 



Students learned about composite shapes and had a go of creating pictures and shapes using a tangram puzzle. They also created their own farm plan and calculated the area of the different paddocks. 

Other stuff....

  • 3/4J is presenting at assembly this Monday if you would like to come along and watch. 
  • We are planning to do Secret Santa in the Grade 3/4 area due to popular request. We will send home a note in the next week to opt in if you want your child to participate. 

Thanks for your continued support,


~ Juliet & Megan