Stage 5 Commerce Market Day

Market Market!
Two Market Days were held at the school during Week 8 Term 4 by Years 9 and 10 Commerce students. After they spent three weeks preparing their business plans, the students had the opportunity to run their own business stalls on Market Day. Students learnt to work as a team preparing food, setting up stalls and selling. Market Day was successful because of the support of the school community. We raised $877.70 for Cancer Council Australia and $650 for the Animal Welfare League.
Students demonstrated an array of business skills through the development of expense charts, communication, team work, time management and preparation skills in running successful business stalls.
“I enjoyed serving the customers with my group and cooking the sausages. This helped me understand how to run a business because I knew what it is like to run one with others. Sometimes it can be stressful, but I enjoyed the overall experience.” – Isabelle, 9 Commerce
“I learned in school that running a stall requires strong time management and being prepared for any outcome. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone, which I didn't believe I could do. Overall, running this business was difficult, but it had its benefits and was pleasant.”. – Fatimah, 9 Commerce
“Despite the hard work, time management and group coordination which was required we would do it again as the outcome was worth it” - 10 Commerce