Year 9: That's a wrap

We have officially completed a full year of schooling with zero interruptions and what a year it has been! Year 9, congratulations on everything you have achieved thus far! Mr Nguy and I are extremely proud of each and every one of you. A huge thank you for the assistance in facilitating a number of events this year - Mother’s Day Breakfast, Stationery Drive for the schools affected by the Lismore flooding and hosting a mufti day for our Vouch for Lismore initiative.
We look forward to seeing what the next chapter brings! Bring on 2023 but until then - have a happy and safe holiday. Stay smiling!
Rewards Day!
What an awesome day it was! Wee recognised the successful, respectful and responsible Year 9 students of Cecil Hills High School at our day out at Raging Waters! The weather was definitely on our side. The day was filled with lots of laughs, water activities, spending time with friends, making new friends and an all round memorable experience for all. Well done Year 9! You deserved this day.
Year 9 100% Attendance!
Mr Nguy and I would like to recognise the large number of Year 9 students who have come to school EVERY SINGLE DAY this year! We are extremely proud!! As Year Advisers, we love recognising student achievements and dedication to schooling! This term, we were given the opportunity to recognise these students by giving out some Grilled vouchers for students to enjoy some delicious food!
This week, we would like to congratulate Emma Soumpholphakdy, Brianna Capasso, Youshaman Nazoraia, Kimlong Lor, Lisa Dang and Lucas Kim for their 100% attendance this year! Not only have these students attended every day, they have displayed exemplary behaviour in line with our school’s FOCUS principles!
Well done Year 9 - this is an awesome achievement!
Ms N Cupac & Mr K Nguy
Year 9 Advisers