From The Support Unit

Abdul the Gardener
We have a keen year 10 gardener in the Support Unit, Abdul Barghachoun. He is currently in his third week of work experience under the watchful eye of Mr Giugni. Abdul is learning about the tools and loving the experience. We are proud of Abdul's achievements as we watch him learn from the Support Unit windows.
May the best team win
We are trying to raise funds for camp and a new 12 seater vehicle for the school and unit. the thought was we could collect unwanted 5cent coins. Then people suggested just go for silver coins so here's the spiel.
With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the old coins will be phased out and new coins will be minted for the new incoming King Charles III. In preparation for this event, we're getting a head start and asking you to hand in any unwanted 5 cent coins you may have lying around or loose silver change to support your house team Hollows, Whitlam, Chisholm or Goolagong. The team with the highest total will receive the most points. Who will be our winner?
We will be collecting coins for the four house teams at the year assemblies. We will also have containers stationed at the front office.
Funds are being raised for camp and a second vehicle for the unit and school. the vehicle will be used to transport students to sporting and school events like debating, chess, Shining Stars dance program and School Spectacular rehearsals etc. May the best team win.
Ms M Beadle
Special Education