Cecil Masterchefs

WorldSkills Australia Regional Competition
On Tuesday 16 November 2022, two Year 12 hospitality students Jeena Nguyen and Mary Sou, had the privilege of representing Cecil Hills High School at WorldSkills Australia Regional Competition at Gymea Technology High School. The competition tested their skills and knowledge of the hospitality industry in a scenario like MasterChef, pitted against students from other schools. Students had the chance to win gold, silver, and bronze medals.
If students performed well at the regional competition, they would spend the next several months training for the National Championships in Melbourne in 2023. This is a three-day competition where regional winners from across the country meet up to compete, network and learn. From there, national medallists may be invited to train for the International Competition. This competition, runs in a different city every two years, sees the very best skills talent from all over the world compete over four days.
Mary Sou: “WorldSkills allowed me to experience a new perspective of cooking. It was great to encounter people who want to continue the same profession I was able to observe and learn from these competitors. The area was nice and I’m glad I was able to work in such a sophisticated kitchen. The people were friendly, and I had a lot of fun making new connections.
Although there were some mistakes I made; I learnt from them, which made me build upon my knowledge and skills.
I’d like to thank the hosts of this program which allowed me to take part in this competition, it enlightened my interests further in the hospitality industry, as well as a thanks to my lovely teacher, Mr Colussi who encouraged me to participate”.
Jeena Nguyen: “The WorldSkills Competition really opened my eyes to how fortunate we are as students to have the opportunity to have such experiences within the hospitality industry. Being able to create new connections really enhanced the time spent there and created a more relaxed atmosphere. I’m so grateful Mr Colussi provided us with such a unique opportunity and thankful to be able to represent the school”.
I am extremely impressed with both students as they performed outstandingly in this high-pressure environment and represented Cecil with pride. They overcame many hurdles such as a last-minute date and venue change. Congratulations to you both, you both did an amazing job. Additionally, both students made headlines in the St George and Sutherland Shire leader local newspaper
I would also like to thank all the members of staff that supported these students in this once in a lifetime experience. With a big thanks to Ms Melissa Marando for attending the event and encouraging the students to achieve their best.
Mr A Colussi
VET Hospitality Teacher