Year 7: Wrap up

One year down, FIVE to go!
Congratulations to Year 7 on a fantastic first year of high school. We have had a very unique start to high school, with face masks, designated playground areas and lots of isolation but we made it.
By Term 2, we finally were able to see all their smiling faces, that were hiding behind face masks and just in time for our most memorable event, Year 7 CAMP!
We have had a year full of learning, assessments, meetings, challenges, laughs, presentations and eventful days including our Rewards Day to Raging Waters, Science excursion to the Zoo and a celebration of diversity for Cecil Hills High Schools 25th Anniversary.
Our Year 7s have ended the year with the highest numbers of CHAMP points, FOCUS tickets, and 100% attendance awards. Mr Banks, Miss Zaidan and Mr Howard feel very fortunate to guide a great group of students. We have enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to creating more memories with you all.
Merry Christmas and have a happy and safe holiday break!
Miss Zaidan and Mr Banks
Year 7 Advisers
Year 7 sum up their first year of high school
Victoria Johnson: "Year 7 has been an amazing year, the best memory was the Year 7 camp."
Eva Sabooteh: "Year 7 has been great, I’ve loved making new friends."
Nikolina Arcaba: "I have enjoyed trying new things and being out of my comfort zone."
Taliyah Wang: "This past year has been an amazing year! There were tons of fun activities to remember! Some of my favourite memories were camp and Raging Waters! The best of all was making friends with different people."
Jake Glasovac: "I’ve had a fun time in my first year of high school and I'm really looking forward to Year 8 next year."
Charlotte Galea: "My favourite part of high school was getting to know my year advisers."
Adrian Gauci: "Year 7 has been great, especially the camp. It was really fun."
Kerem Danis: "Camp was the highlight of year 7 for me. The giant swing was really fun."
Ethan Gogacz: "The best part of year 7 was the Raging Waters excursion. Nick Sam This first year of high school has been a huge moment. I made a lot more friends and I got to know my teachers. I have had a very fun year and I will never forget my first year of high school."
Grace Lazar: This year was the best, I have enjoyed going on excursions and having fun with friends. My favourite subject has been Health.
Okena Hanna: "Year 7 has been a good year, I loved my Health and History classes."
Ibrahim Hassan: "This year was great, I have enjoyed exploring the books in the library, especially the Manga ones."