Another great year of teaching and learning

HSC Results
In 2022, we have had another amazing effort from another excellent group of Year 12 students. We have once again attained fantastic HSC results and our school highlights include:
- 28 x Band 6 results (a score over 90%)
- 172 x Band 5 results (a score over 80%)
The school does not receive ATAR scores, however, we have already been informed of some very notable achievements:
Phoebe Pantelis with an ATAR of 93.10
Savo Anicic with an ATAR of 92.95
Jessica Narvaiza with an ATAR of 90.65
We are also very pleased to announce that over 130 students received early offers to university.
74 Western Sydney University
28 University of New South Wales
25 Macquarie University
Congratulations to all of these students!
We are very proud of the commitment we have to excellence in Year 11 and Year 12 and our approach is validated by these results. Well done to all of our students and thanks to our amazing HSC teachers. I have spoken with many students who have exceeded the goals that they set for themselves, and I am proud of the fact that students are able to attend their local public high school and achieve great results. Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and everyone who supported them on this journey. I look forward to you watching you all become the leaders of tomorrow!
Support Unit – Farewell Year 12
This week is the last week for our Year 12 students in the Support Unit and we farewell Ayesha Ali, Christina George, Eric Huynh, Lachlan Smith, and George Yalda. We are very proud of the achievements of all of these students and look forward to their continued success as they move into the next stage of their lives. Good luck Year 12 and we hope to see you again soon!
Staff Farewells
This week we farewell almost 100 years of experience in supporting our students in our Support Unit. Cecil Hills High School is now in its 26th year. Since 1999, the first year Cecil was in operation, Mrs Wendy Holmes has been here to care for our students. As the team grew and the years progressed, Mrs Holmes was joined by Mrs Maria Sanfilippo and Mrs Agnes McIntyre, in supporting our students in their learning.
In 2008 Mrs Beadle joined the Cecil family as a Visual Arts teacher with a clear and obvious passion for working with our students in the Support Unit. Mrs Beadle has been a wonderful, caring and calm influence on all of the students and staff and has been a fierce advocate for our students and all people with disabilities.
Unfortunately for us, the time has come for these ladies to move on to the next stage of their lives and to enjoy their retirement. The level of care and dedication that these wonderful people have had for our students for so many years, has positively impacted on the lives of many students and their families and they will be sorely missed.
Congratulations to you all on your retirement and thank you for your service to our community!
2023 Student Information Booklet
Our 2023 Student Information Booklet is now available on our school website. This document has been available for collection from the school for our Year 6 parents. It is important for all students and parents to be familiar with this document in preparation for the 2023 school year.
Return to school dates - 2023
Year 7, Year 11 and Year 12
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10
Wednesday, 1 February 2023
Parent Information Session
Our next Parent Information Session will be held at 6:30pm on Monday, 6 February 2023. This will be followed by a short P&C meeting for those who wish to stay online. Please note that the Annual General Meeting for the P&C will be held in March 2023. Information on logging into the Zoom meeting will be emailed to parents.
I hope that you all have a safe, restful and enjoyable break. For those who celebrate, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a sensational new year!
Michael Lane
Relieving Principal