Catholic Identity and Mission 


Recently many members of the St Gabriel School community celebrated the festival of Diwali.  We hope these families and their communities celebrated well and enjoyed their festivities.


This Festival of Light has much to offer all faith traditions in the celebration of the triumph of light over darkness.

The triumph of light over darkness is a theme that is presented often in the Catholic Christian tradition.  We are grateful to learn as much as we can from the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist members of our school and local community.


All Souls Day

In the last newsletter I addressed the Feast of All Saints Day.  On Wednesday it was the Feast of All Souls Day.  Many of us have experienced the loss of a loved one.  We hear of the loss of life around the world each day.  All Souls Day is a time for us to remember those who have passed away and pray they are with God.


A tradition in Catholic churches is to light a candle to remember a loved person or to remember someone who is sick.  For this All Souls Day we pray for the dearly departed that they are safe in God's loving arms.



Bernie Meixner  APRIM