College News

Health and PE Week Next Week

Health and PE Week is next week. There will be activities throughout the week for all year levels. Next Thursday, 21st November, we will have the Healthy Breakfast, Sports Star dress up day and Staff vs Students netball match in the Brigidine Centre!


Please keep the McAuliffe family, Mark, Natalie, Blake (Year 10) and Maddison (past student) in your prayers after the recent passing of Mark's mother, Pam McAuliffe.


Please also pray for the Bray family, Bill, Jenny, Jackson (Year 10) and Anna (past student) on the passing of Jenny's mother, Irene Robinson.

Mini Vinnies Christmas Drive

The St Augustine's Mini Vinnies group is running a gift drive for children of struggling families in the area. The gifts will be given to the local St Vincent de Paul Conference and distributed locally at Christmas. The presents must be unwrapped and in new or very good condition.


Students can donate gifts at school during morning TA.  Gifts can also be donated by the wider community by taking them to the College Office during office hours.


Please bring your donations to school by Tuesday 26th November.


Lost Property

Please remember to check the lost property box at the College Office by the end of this term for any items your child may have lost.  There are currently a number of uniform items, hats, lunchboxes, drink bottles and sporting equipment in lost property.

All unclaimed items will be sent to the second hand uniform shop or St Vincent de Paul during the school holidays.

Term 4 Assemblies

Members of our school community are invited to attend our last whole school assembly at 9.00am on Thursday, 28th November, in the Brigidine Centre.  


Years F-4 Term 4 Assembly 

Thursday 5th December at 12.30pm in the Brigidine Centre


Years 5-8 Term 4 Assembly

Monday 9th December at 9.00am in the Brigidine Centre


Final Mass and Awards Ceremony

Our End of Year Mass will be held on Thursday 12th December, commencing at 12.00pm in the Brigidine Centre.  The Awards Celebration will follow straight after the mass, with light refreshments to be served afterward.  The event will conclude at 1.30pm.

Sun Safety Invitation

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. In 2013, more than 2,200 Australians died from this almost entirely preventable disease.

Fortunately, being SunSmart is a simple and effective way to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.



Please be aware that sun protection is vital for all students at present.  The cancer council and our school policy recommends that sun protection is used when the UV index is 3 or above.  The index at the moment is around 9 or 10 during the middle of the day.  Please support the school's policy by encouraging the use of sunscreens and by ensuring that your son/ daughter has a hat at school at all times during the months from August to May.

I encourage you  to talk to your children about the importance of sun protection.  Further resources to assist these discussions are available in the web link listed above.


If you would like to join our school assembly on November 28th you can hear more about sun protection from our guest speaker from the cancer council.  I would encourage you to come along if you are able.  Parents and friends are invited to join in a Q and A forum after the assembly with our guest speaker.


Carolyn Goode

Deputy Principal - Wellbeing and Community


Nominations for St Augustine's College Board Membership

The College Board is calling for nominations from prospective members wishing to become part of the board.  The College Board is an advisory board that meets approximately eight times per year.


Prospective members may wish to consider the following skills or attributes that would be key to involvement on the College Board:

  • Enthusiasm for and commitment to the mission of the Catholic school;
  • A genuine desire to be of service to the school community;
  • A willingness to learn more about and to promote the Catholic Identity of the school;
  • The capacity and/or skills to contribute to the work of the Board;
  • The ability to work collaboratively and constructively with other members of the Board;
  • The ability to commit time to the work of the Board;
  • Willingness to act within the Statement of Commitment for Board Members and Child Safe Code of Conduct.

Prospective Board members are asked to submit an expression of interest nominating themselves for consideration, to the Board Chair by no later than Wednesday 27th November. 


Please forward your expression of interest to


All persons submitting an expression of interest will be invited to meet with the Principal/Board Chair prior to the AGM to support their discernment about committing to the role.  


If nominations exceed the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot will be held at the AGM. The ballot for the election shall be conducted in such a manner as the Chair may direct.  No absentee or proxy voting shall be permitted.


If you would like to know more about being part of the advisory College Board, please do not hesitate to contact Brayden Stone on 5851 3000 or send an email to

St Augustine's College AGM

Members of the St Augustine's College community are invited to the

St Augustine's College

Annual General Meeting

to be held on

Wednesday 4th December, 2019

at 6.30pm

in the Place of Possibility

Please RSVP to Lucia Sorbello on 5851 300 or by Wednesday 27th November, 2019.

Student Free Day for Years 9-12 Students

Friday 29th November will be a student free day for Years 9-12 students only for a teacher preparation and collaboration day.

Kinder Transition Program Dates

Kinder transition mornings 9:00am-10:30am

  • Friday 22nd November

Kinder transition afternoons 2:30pm-3:15pm

  • Wednesday 20th November
  • Wednesday 27th November
  • Wednesday 4th December

Early Commencement and Finish Dates for 2019 and First Day for 2020

Years 10  & 11 Exam Week  

Friday 22nd to Thursday 28th November 


Teacher Preparation & Collaboration Day 

Friday 29th November 

Current students from Years 9 to 12 will not be required to attend school on this day.


Years 9-12 (2020) Early Commencement Program 

(for current Years 8-11 students) 

Monday 2nd to Friday 13th December 


Orientation Day 

For all 2020 Years F-12 students

Tuesday 10th December

Students to wear casual clothes.

Please note: 2020 Foundation students will attend school on this day only.


Years F-8 (2020) Early Commencement Program

(for current Years F-7 students) 

Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th December


Last Day of School for 2019

Friday 13th December


School Commencement for 2020

The 2020 school year will commence for all students (including Foundation) on Thursday 30th January.

Student Achievements

Congratulations to Year 11 student Amanda Blain, who was recently presented with an “Infrastructure GV” award for her achievements in mathematics and science.  With the support of her teachers and careers practitioner, Catherine Anderson, Amanda applied for this award, which is provided to encourage local students to pursue careers in the areas of mathematics, science and engineering.  In-GV is a network organisation comprising professionals from a variety of Goulburn Valley businesses in the fields of engineering and infrastructure.  Amanda was one of six students from the district to receive one of these awards.  It is a well-deserved recognition of Amanda’s dedication to her study of several mathematics and science subjects.  After completing her VCE in 2020, Amanda hopes to pursue a career in health sciences in a rural environment.



Congratulations to Gargayee Satish-Gowda (Year 8) for winning an award for her photograph (below) in the MacKillop Art Exhibition.

The MacKillop Art Exhibition showcases the fine arts from primary and secondary schools in the Sandhurst Diocese.  The exhibition opens today and is on until Sunday 1st December, at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo for anyone interested in having a look.  



Year 10 student Ella Reid will be recognised at a medal presentation ceremony in Melbourne next week for achieving the highest score in Australasia for the Year 10 English ICAS writing competition.  Congratulations Ella on this wonderful achievement.







James Woods (Year 10) continues to achieve great things in his sporting pursuits, recently attaining a world ranking in pole vault.


At the recent State Championships, James jumped personal best heights of 1.94m in high jump and 4.7m in pole vault. 







Congratulations to Haydn Newcombe for being a finalist in the VET Music category in the VET Excellence Awards 2019.







Mia Clydesdale (Year 2) and Nate Schubach (Year 3) shaved their heads last Saturday to raise money for The Gift, which supports individuals and families impacted by cancer in our community.  Together, Mia and Nate raised more than $20,000 through their fundraising efforts this year.  

Arts and Design Technologies Showcase

Our annual Arts and Design Technologies Showcase was officially opened last Thursday, 7th November. The exhibition showcased students’ work from Foundation to Year 12 that had been designed, manufactured and created in Visual Arts, Technology and Performing Arts subject areas. The showcase further included exemplary works created at home and works created by staff. Another highlight of the event was the cupcake and biscuit decorating competition.


The top award being the Principal’s Choice Award, was awarded to Katrina Fitzgerald, a VCE Studio Art student, for her African inspired artwork. Her work will now be professionally framed and displayed around the College throughout 2020.


Katrina Fitzgerald (right) with teacher Penny Jenner
Katrina Fitzgerald (right) with teacher Penny Jenner


Award recipients included:


Visual Arts VCE Award                                       Gabriella Mullins

Technology VCE Award                                      Jack Goode

F-4 Community Award                                        Mia Stockdale

5-8 Community Award                                        Laura Graetz

9-12 Community Visual Arts Award           Caitlin Colliver

9-12 Community Technology Award          Patrick Dean and Luke Smith

F-4 Community Biscuit Design Award       Amelia Ranson

Music Performance Award                               Xander Wearne

Scarecrow Award                                                   Ruby McMeeken


We would like to congratulate all students and staff for their dedication and commitment to being involved in this year's Art Showcase event. A big 'thank you' must also be extended to the students who shared their musical talents by providing entertainment at the opening of the Showcase and during the event. There were many, many outstanding artworks on display that had been created in classes throughout the year. It was evident from the work on display that St Augustine’s College has a highly successful Art, Design and Technology program that is engaging for all students across the different Learning Communities.

Sandhurst Stronger Youth Rally at Galen College in Wangaratta

Second Hand Uniform Items $10

All items (except new tunics and skirts) in the Second Hand Uniform Shop are priced at $10 per item.

Please contact Jo Pyke for further information on 0408 352 749.

MacKillop Art Exhibition

WEP Student Exchange