Hi everyone,


Well here we are back in lockdown again!  We hope everybody is hanging in there. 


Unfortunately due to restrictions we have had to cancel the Tastepoint fundraiser which was scheduled for 6th August.  No further dates advised at this stage.


Thank you to everybody who has placed an order for our Wine Drive.  Your support is very much appreciated. The orders have been submitted and we will let you know when it is available for collection- hopefully late next week.

If you forgot to send in your order it is not too late! You can still order online and have it delivered directly to your door



We will organise a Fete Fun PJ day for the kids as soon as they are back at school and restrictions allow.


Next fete committee meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd August, 7:30pm.


Thanks for your continued support,


Clare Inwood and Fiona Newington on behalf of the Fete Committee.

Clare Inwood and Fiona Newington on behalf of the Fete Committee.