Discovery Centre


Selemat siang!


What a week! The Foundation students were engaged in so many wonderful activities with support from their families at home. The Foundation teachers would like to extend a big thank you to all those supporting our students remotely, we appreciate all of your support. Hopefully it is not too long until we are back in the classroom.


On Friday we finished off the week with a virtual social get together on Google Meet. We know how hard it has been not being able to see each other, play games and get a little silly! So we thought the virtual social meet would be a way to give students the chance to see peers from other classes, play some games, boogie and hopefully have some fun. It was such a hit the foundation teachers thought we should hold another virtual social meet this week! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more information throughout the week about the next one. This of course is optional, so if you can’t make it, that is completely fine.

Friday Social Google Meet
Friday Social Google Meet


This week at Mount Pleasant Road it is Science Week! Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of fun filled, engaging activities and experiments. You will find a science choosing board that will have a science experiment on each slide to click through and explore. Foundation students will also be able to watch as their teachers attempt some science experiments in their morning Google Meet check in. We are very excited about this week and hope that it brings a smile and some family fun to your household!


This week in Literacy we will continue with our small reading groups that are held on Google Meet at 11:30am, to focus on differentiated reading strategies. Students will also practise making connections to stories that they have listened to and their own lives. 

In Maths, students are going to be focusing on a new topic; Location. Students will focus on describing the position and movement of different objects, while practising using key location words such as ‘between’, ‘next to’ and ‘above’.


Here is a copy of each class’s timetable for the week. It has been posted as an announcement to your child’s Seesaw account which also has clickable links to their Google Meet. Scroll through the gallery to find your child's classes timetable.

FJ Timetable
FD Timetable
FH Timetable
FJ Timetable
FD Timetable
FH Timetable


We hope that everyone is doing okay during this time and if you have any concerns please get in touch with your classroom teacher.  


Take care and have a wonderful week,

Miss Tossell, Miss Dawson and Miss Henwood :)


  • Morning Google Meet check at 10am- this is where we take attendance for the day
  • Please check weekly timetable and Seesaw for your child's small group days
  • Small group mini maths session straight after morning Google Meet check in
  • Small literacy group daily at 11:30am on Google Meet

Student Voice

"I loved dancing on the Google Meet" - Addison FJ

"I loved seeing my friends from another class" -Lucky FJ

"I am grateful for my sister, my house and peanut butter" - Elsie FJ

"I am grateful for my Mum because she is beautiful, my brother because he is mischievous and my Dad because he gives me ice cream" - Max FJ

Pupil of the Week

FD: Eric C -

Eric, fantastic work on engaging in our Seesaw tasks last week! It was so great to see you use your creativity when writing about your Minecraft backyard in your imaginative recount. Keep it up Eric! 


FH: Nethun S -

For always putting in your best efforts during our small group sessions and when completing all tasks on Seesaw. You have worked especially hard on writing your lowercase letters neatly and including a detailed picture to match your sentences. Amazing job Nethun!


FJ: Jaden W -

For demonstrating a love of learning when using the split strategy and jump strategy to solve addition problems. You were able to share your mathematical thinking by explaining the steps you took to solve the addition problems using the new strategy. Keep up the great work Jaden!