From the Chaplain

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

Greeting to our families

As the Western world continues to follow a path of secularism influenced by the Enlightenment, I am increasingly conscious of how counter-cultural Christianity is in countries like Australia, and yet it was on Christian foundations that Australia built itself.


Committing to one faith tradition – regardless of how diverse its theology really is or how broad its traditions and practices really are – is often considered naive these days. But making a conscious decision to commit – with all the doubts allowed – encourages a life that is examined and thought through, and which doesn’t just go along with the loudest social voices and with the dominant cultural trends. 


‘Pilgrim’ sculpture found in Harrietsham, UK
‘Pilgrim’ sculpture found in Harrietsham, UK

I encourage our students to search for truth by examining philosophy and theology, rather than just passively accepting the norms of the day. This is especially important as a background to understand their own purpose and meaning in life. These questions are essential to spiritual wellbeing which is an important component of a holistic wellbeing.


Spirituality is a journey that takes one’s whole life. Christianity is a faith that offers a wealth of values, wisdom, traditions and practices in its 2000 plus years, all of which can enhance the individual and communal quest. 


God bless in this time of uncertainty, 
