Message from

the Deputy Principal 

Mr James Boyd

Year 12 HSC Trials

We wish all of our students taking their HSC Trials next week all the very best. We know that this is a challenging period for our students and it is important for them to focus on the process and not the outcome: this is something we can lose sight of at times. This article by Dr Margaret Paul is certainly worth reflecting on How to Focus on the Process Instead of the Outcome | HuffPost Life

Year 12 Graduation Events

The School is finalising the adjusted plans for the Year 12 Graduation events in line with the latest guidelines from NSW Health. As soon as these are confirmed, this information will be shared with the Year 12 students and their families. 

Leadership 2021/22

Our Leadership selection process has commenced for Student Leaders for 2021/22. Leadership means many different things to different people. To me, leadership is a process of influence. Getting people to do things, and having them go above and beyond, does not come from authority or power. It comes from the ability to influence them — to show them why something is important or meaningful and light a fire within them to contribute to that. This is the challenge of student leadership – getting your peers and fellow students to allow that fire to be lit within them.


We look forward to receiving the applications from our Year 11 cohort and seeing them follow in the footsteps of our current crop of leaders who have done an excellent job in trying circumstances.

Paul Dillon Webinar for Parents

Paul Dillon has just announced a webinar for parents and carers on Thursday 16th September, 7-8:30pm. Paul’s topic will be ‘Young People, alcohol and other drugs 2021: What do parents need to know?’ 


Information regarding registration for those who would like to view this session can be found at this link:


Young people, alcohol and other drugs 2021: What do parents need to know?, Hosted online, 16th of September | Humanitix


Paul is a regular speaker at KWS and is very well received by students. Paul has recently recorded a podcast which shares information about teens and risk taking behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use, better equipping parents so you can start more conversations about these behaviours and work to keep them safer. This is well worth a listen:


Podcast with Paul Dillon from DARTA The Fathering Project


HSC Examinations – call for volunteers

The Learning Support Department are seeking volunteers to act as one on one Readers and Writers for the HSC Trial Examinations (9th-20th August) and the HSC Examinations (October/November – NESA to issue dates soon). Thank you to those who have already expressed interest.


Without volunteer assistance, our students with learning differences will not receive the support they require to complete their HSC exams, as school staff are not permitted to work in this capacity. For this reason, we need you, our school community, to offer up any time you can, even if it is only one session over the entire exam period. Parents of current Year 12 students CAN act as volunteers, but not for exams that their children are completing. For example, if your child is studying English Standard, you CAN act as a reader or writer for English Advanced.


Volunteers can help out as much or as little as they can, and would be required for 3-4 hour blocks. All volunteers must have a current Working With Children Check and adhere to COVID safe guidelines. If you are willing to act as a volunteer during these times, please get in touch with Bernie Sharpe ( to indicate your availability.