
Duke of Edinburgh | Kinross Wolaroi Reads | P&F AGM


The Duke of Edinburgh is a non-competitive self-development international program available to all young people which encourages them to set and achieve goals at a level appropriate to their needs and aspirations. The award is comprised of three levels each progressively more challenging.


BRONZE - 14 years and older

SILVER - 15 years and older

GOLD - 16 years and older 


If you are currently in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 and are thinking about completing the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award please come and see Mr Callaghan. 


“Duke drop in Fridays” are every Friday of the Term in Room 86- Anderson Centre at 1:00pm.


Looking to snuggle up by the fire with a good book this winter? 


‘The Happiest Man on Earth’ is the remarkable true story of Eddie Jaku’s awe-inspiring survival of the Holocaust and an uplifting reflection on gratitude and hope. 


In our first ever ‘KWS Reads’ initiative, we invite students, staff and parents to read this incredible tale. Across Terms 3 & 4, we will be holding a range of activities, both inside and outside of school, so that our community can come together and share our thoughts on this narrative of survival, the miracle of human kindness and the power of hope. It is a short book and, although it deals with some harrowing events, is suitable for readers aged 12 and above.


Track down a copy of this excellent book at our local Orange Collins Bookstore, online or from the KWS library now. Happy reading!

P&F Annual General Meeting

Dear Parents and Carers,


I would like to invite all of our parents and carers to attend the forthcoming 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Kinross Wolaroi School Parents and Friends Association. Details are:

WHEN: 7pm Wednesday 11 August 2021

WHERE: The Remington Orange, 1517 Forest Rd, Orange NSW 2800

ONLINE: For those unable to attend in person, you may join via Zoom - all parents & carers have been emailed a link.


At our AGM a new Executive will be elected. Positions include President, Vice President (x2 positions), Secretary, Treasurer, and a number of Sub-Committee positions (ie. Boarding). Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in nominating for any of these positions. 


The Parents and Friends Association aims to provide opportunities our School community to connect and engage to enjoy the Kinross Wolaroi School journey together. In addition to ‘friend raising’ we also support our students via fees and fundraising. By paying your annual Parents and Friends Association subscription, you are a stakeholder in the Association and your opinion and thoughts are valued and important to us.


The P&F would like to extend a warm invitation to you to contribute to our mission and this may occur at various levels. For example:

  • P&F Executive Member or Casual Member: The Parents and Friends Association meets each term and all stakeholders are welcome to attend these meetings.  Decisions are made at these meetings regarding planning for social or community events, as well as the allocation of funds raised.
  • Parent Year representative/s: All Year groups have a parent representative/s that coordinate social activities, update social media and communicate with the Association’s Executive about suggested social events and fundraising.
  • Volunteer to support our social and community activities: Inform your Year Representative or a member of the P&F Executive if you would like to be involved, or send them your suggestions and ideas to can be tabled at our meetings.
  • Finally, the outgoing Executive would like to sincerely thank the school community for your support over the last two years.

Yours sincerely,

Tanya Miller


On behalf of the P&F Committee:

President | Tanya Miller (

Vice President | Leiarna Dunworth

Secretary | (Acting) Belinda Green (

Treasurer | James Pearce (

Junior School Representative | Belinda Nash