Junior School 

Sports News

News and Reports 

Sport Reports


U12 Kestrels: Saturday 31st July.  In the first half we tried to get some goals but the other team was too good. We made a comeback in the second half but not enough to win the game. The game that we played was great although we lost, we tried our best in defending and attacking. 

Mischa Lawson


U11 United: Saturday 31st July. The U11 KWS United team enjoyed a hard-fought win against Blayney in a welcome return to competition following the holidays, then wet weather, then a lockdown! Like a true team, all players made important contributions. Great passing between players through the mid-field and forwards led to a goal in both halves and a 2-0 victory. A strong defensive effort meant there wasn’t much to do for the goalkeeper. The team continues to improve thanks to the guidance and leadership of Mrs Caro and Griffin Robinson.

George Nash