Senior School Sport 

News and Reports


31st July KWS 1st V Hurricanes

The 1sts played an excellent game of netball against a tough team. The girls started strong with Mia Marjoram shooting exceptionally well. The defensive end worked hard to ensure any loose balls were gathered up and were capitalised down the shooting end by Evie Hall and Mia Marjoram. The 1sts were behind at half time by 2 points and played their best quarter in quarter 3 with Brooke Martin, Mackenzie Jones and Mia Marjoram taking a number of intercepts each. The third quarter saw the girls tie with the final 15 minutes being a tough contest. The girls played an exceptional last quarter with minimal errors from both teams. At the final hooter the game was tied 41 to 41. The 1sts currently sit in 5th place on the ladder. 


2nd XI 

The 2nd XI has had a very strong start to the season with the team winning five of its first seven games prior to the mid-year holiday break. Cancellations due to lockdowns and inclement weather resulted in a lengthy break from the competition. Last weekend seeing the team return to the field for first time in over a month, with a double header of friendlies against teams from the grade above.


2nd XI v Barnies Denley C-Grade, Defeated 0-4

In the Saturday fixture, the team came up against Barnies Denly C-Grade. The 2nds put in a gallant effort but were being outclassed by a far more experienced opposition team. Strong defensive efforts from our back four and replacement goal-keeper Charlie Williams kept the team in the game but too many missed opportunities in attack meant the team was unable to trouble the opposition on the scorecard. In the end, Denley C ran out winners 4-0. 


2nd XI v Barnies United C-Grade, Defeated 2-6

Less than 24 hours later, the team backed up for the second time in as many days against another of the teams from the C-grade competition, Barnsworth United. It proved to be another tough outing, with the team once again finding it difficult to make inroads against strong defensive efforts of the United midfielders. An early flurry of goals caught the our 2nds off-guard and saw the opposition get out to an early 4-0 lead within the first 30 minutes. Playing from behind was always going to be difficult, but the team showed resolve and determination scoring twice in the back half of the game, thanks to some enterprising play by Charlie Southwell. Once again, credit must go to Will Denman, Courtney Wright, Cameron Horne, Alexander McKenzie and Mikalee McGrath for their tireless efforts in defence, cutting off the opposition attacks on numerous occasions. 


16 A

This season has been one of positive steps forward as a team. We have seen a huge improvement in skills and teamwork and learning how to position and play the game and most importantly all players seem to be enjoying themselves in training and on game day. I have been thoroughly impressed with the sportsmanship and teamwork that the Junior A’s have shown and I for one have learnt a lot about the world game. I must give credit to the team as they have shown great commitment, dedication and determination especially when playing against some very seasoned and talented opposition. Training sessions have seen a huge improvement in skill acquisition and working on game situations. We have been lucky enough to have the Girls representative coach Brett Sammut give some hints and tips on Thursday trainings and even attend a few games. Through his expertise we have improved in a number of areas. As the results below indicate we are a improving team and have grown as the season has progressed.


CYMS U16 White - 9 vs 2 KWS U16

Barnies United U16 - 11 vs 1 - KWS U16

KWS U16 - 1 vs 1 - CYMS U15 Gold

U15 Cudal - 1 vs 5 - KWS U16

KWS U16 - 0 vs 6 - Ex-S Tigers U 15

Waratah Braves  U15 - 1 vs 2 - KWS U16

Waratah Rebels U15 - 2 vs 1 - KWS U16


A number of individuals have stood out with Will Gaston and Liam McKenzie leading the way always providing good options and excellent ball use. The Nock brothers are classy with ball and consistently make good decisions. Often the backs are held strong with Sophie Heath and Stephanie Wong led strongly by the ever consistent Eleanor Armstrong. Dan Hunter has been a consistently excellent in goals. The depth and work rate of Zack Levi, Will Knight is appreciated and continual efforts by Will Ward offer strong options all over the ground.  The versatility and skills of Marnie, Chloe McGilvray and Pheobe Gordon have provided good options while Joe Denham, Gordon Suthers and Thomas McRae are always solid in positions and always play there role. Everyone is a solid contributor come game day and the team is learning to play to there strengths and work on weaknesses come training.


The Junior A have experienced a few wins and a draw but most importantly each game is seeing improvements in skills and performance. Thanks to all the parents who have support the players and assisted in a range of areas. Keep on striving and you will reap the rewards!


KWS 1st vs CYMS – lost 1-0

The 1st Grade team played an amazing game against the team currently occupying the number 1 slot on the ladder. Keeping CYMS to only 1 goal was an achievement. With Maka unavailable to play in goals, Taylah Larking agreed to put on the pads for the game and did a great job. Phoebe Litchfield and Ally Thurn covered the defensive short corners. Playing a back four structure for the game allowed the ball to be played through the centre of the field effectively. Taylah Hobbs linked up well throwing plenty of ball down the line to keep our forwards in the game. Issy Medway made good use of the opportunities and proved to be a handful up front. 1sts play Confederates at 10.00am on Sunday and welcome anyone willing to brave the cold to spectate.


Timberwolves vs OAGs - 0-0

Very close game, between two good hockey sides determined to get a result. This contest was one of those that proves sometimes statistics and weight of possession do not always translate into a result.


In the first half our brave goalie Donny did not touch the ball. OAGS had one penalty corner and no shots.  We had 3 penalty corners and 6 shots (4 on goal) and were camped mostly in the attacking half.  OAGS defended many raids from our determined forwards and attacking Mids.  


In the second half Donny made a great save and touched the ball twice. OAGS created 3 shots, (one on goal) no PCs. KWS had 5 PCs and 8 shots, (5 on goal).  The weight of possession and pressure on OAGS assured by very quick set up by our front 3 and our midfield.


After half time our defence adjusted and introduced some lateral passing to successfully disrupt OAGS midfield. This is very good sign we can adjust and are multi-dimensional coming out of defence.


Probably a good sign post-match of slight disappointment from Timberwolves and relief/happiness from the OAGS team, reflected how many attacking chances Timberwolves created and how much Jelly Beans GK saved.


The lesson from this game for our attack is when we are up against a very good goalie to look for the pass around the goalie for an easy tap-in as an alternative to a direct shot at goal.


This was a great game of hockey. All the lads did the running made good passes, tackles, communicated well and enjoyed it. 


A really good game from all Timberwolves, let’s keep our good work going and keep improving our hockey. It was evident Monday night every Timberwolf has improved aspects of their game.


Warriors vs Hornets – Won 1-0

The Warriors had a fantastic game against a strong Hornets outfit, battling it out until the final 10 minutes before Josie Taylor swept home the winning goal in a goal line scramble. The victory was again established by the calm and methodical play of Georgia Sweetapple and Eleanor Vials. Eleanor did a fantastic job of securing our defence which allowed Chloe Robertson to move forward to support the roving Annabelle Woods. Georgia linked up well with the forwards, whilst also providing the initial shot that Josie bundled home off pads. Lila Tyrell and Molly Smith both played their game of the season and showed a great deal of defensive tenacity and fight, with Sophie Mahlo also playing superbly including several ranging runs into the opposition goal area.


Mavericks vs CYMS

On Monday night Mavericks put up a good fight against a strong CYMS side. Our defense was particularly strong with Eliza Price shining as Goal Keeper with many more goals saved then scored. Annabelle Brag worked hard in the mid field and scored our only goal of the game with the assistance of Lilly McFeeters on the wing. The girls continue to play with enthusiasm and positivity as we near the end of the season. 


Bulls vs Thunder 3-3 draw

Another great game between these two sides. Two games two draws. Thunder raced out to an early 2-0 lead despite the best efforts of Liam Ervin in goals. Charlie Williams and James Glasson worked hard in the middle of the field. James Crisp was a work horse up front chasing the ball to all parts of the field. Riley Hall had a great second half in defense making it hard for the Thunder to add to their tally. A couple of well worked pieces of team play allowed Harry Priest to score two goals and bring Bulls level at 3-3. 


Cavaliers vs Canobolas

The Cavaliers rose to yet another challenge last night. With 2 minutes till the opening bell, we discovered that we had 4 players unavailable for the match! A very hasty re-arrangement of positions meant that the girls again had to learn on the run. To their credit they only conceded 2 goals to the mixed Canobolas outfit.


Bree had her best game of the season, Hattie was everywhere and Hannah made a great defensive unit with Loli. We brought up April to cause some intimidation from the numerous 16 yard restarts and we released Ava to do her thing and chase down anything that moved anywhere on the paddock. Maka was her usual reliable self, under plenty of pressure and Alice covered kilometres. Phoebe again used her reach to great effect. 


Well done troops. 



Lakers vs Knicks – lost 2-1

Last Friday night the Lakers were short on numbers, due to boarding students still doing remote learning. In true Kinross Wolaroi spirit, the Knicks gave us an extra player along with Hannah Jones playing for us from the Raptors. The weather was kinder than our last game, something everyone was grateful for!


It was a close game with the lead being traded more than once. It was clear that many players had been closely watching the Hockeyroos in Japan and getting inspired to pass the ball backwards, there was more talk on the pitch and accurate passes.


Charlie Hall scored his first goal of the season, much to everyone's joy. Kajan Kanderpan was solid in defence, a mid-season position change and Lucy Reidy stepped up for captain duties. Unfortunately, the Lakers lost 2-1 but everyone did their best in difficult circumstances, and it was a great game to watch.


Under 14 Raptors vs OAGS – won 8-0

Our game on the 30th of July was, for a change, played in reasonably dry conditions. The Raptors played OAGS favourites on Smith Field. Due to 6 of the team being boarders and still returning to School we had Tessa Wong, Oliver Gerard and Lucinda Reidy make up our numbers. Each of them scored a goal during the game. Zoe Wood volunteered to act as goalie this week but was not challenged very much in the role. Indeed, there was a fist pump in the second half when she actually touched the ball. Georgia Miller and Hannah Jones led the scoring with 3 and 2 goals respectively. The final score was a win to us 8 - 0. All the girls, and Ollie, played with focus and good sportsmanship, as did the OAGS players. I was impressed to see a number of the girls then turn around to support another Kinross team in the following game. Hopefully we will be back to full strength for our match with the Cyms Bandits on 6 August.


Knicks vs Lakers – won 2-1

This game was always going to be a challenge with the boarding contingent yet to return from remote learning. The Knicks started the game with plenty of enthusiasm and marked their opposition tightly. Lillian Pearce had a great game in defence making numerous saves. Phoebe Hunter and Olivia Watts played a fantastic game at the back. This combined with the hard work from our midfield team of Grace Hansen, Isabelle Johnson and Sienna Wilkin led to plenty of scoring opportunities. Charlie Swift continued his goal scoring spree and was backed up by Isabella Pearce who scored to seal the win. Well done to the Knicks it was a competitive game that was played against our opposition in a fantastic spirit.