News from Prep

Report Writing, Maths and Father's Day

We have continued working on our Report Writing. We have focused on creating animal reports. Since our last Newsletter we have  written about Penguins, Polar Bears, Sloths, Spiders, Cheetahs, Frogs and Otters. 

The children love the hands on craft experience whilst discussing the different facts of the animal we are learning about and especially when we present it as a ‘project’. I am constantly amazed by the children’s ability to recall facts of current and past projects. Ask your child what they remember about sharks from the last Newsletter.

It is wonderful to see how each child creates their own unique animal by adding their own design details.

In Maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have made cubes, cones, cylinders, pyramids and rectangular prisms. We have been learning how to relate these shapes to real life objects, such as a rectangular prism is a tissue box, a sphere is a ball, a cone is like the bottom of an ice cream, cylinders are cans and cubes are dice. 

This week we have concentrated on learning about money, particularly coins. It is an important skill to be able to recognise and name the different coins in our monetary system. We have looked at the pictures on each coin and the value they hold. We have talked about their distinguishing features such as the shape and colour. Next week, we are hoping to put our new found knowledge into practical use by ‘playing shops’.


This week, we have been preparing to celebrate Father's Day with a significant person in our life. The children have enjoyed creating special mugs for their dad. Thank you to the parents at home who helped their child to create their mug.

We also made Father's Day portraits and cards to go with our mugs. The children answered questions about their dad to go with their portrait. We hope you enjoy reading their responses.

Kind regards


Mrs Margaret Maher

Prep Classroom Teacher