Learning and Teaching

Bump it up Walls

What are Bump it up Walls?


These are displays on the walls of a classroom showing different levelled examples of work for students to refer to and to determine how they can improve. The Bump it up Wall allows students to self assess and what they can do to continue to improve. Hence, the term Bump it up.

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each lesson are displayed on the classroom wall for the children to refer to, this helps them know what they are learning and what they need to do to be successful. 

This is an example of the first stage of recount writing and number recognition. A child would be able to take their own work up to the wall and see where they are at and what they need to do to further improve.

In this example, you can see that the student has moved from mark making and random letters to letters which relate to the sounds in the words that they hear. Their numbers have also improved from the previous example.

Here you can see the student has begun to use some high frequency words and is leaving finger spacing between their words. 

In this example, the child has mastered almost all elements of their Success Criteria for writing their numbers and is still working towards using capital letters in their writing. 

In this piece of work, you can see the student has now mastered using capital letters and full stops. This section of the Bump it up Wall allows us to know when a student is ready to have new Success Criteria introduced as they have mastered all of the required skills. 


Bump it up Walls are a new initiative we are planning to roll out across all classrooms over this year. This strategy aims to improve teacher practice and therefore student outcomes. 


Kind regards


Mrs Margaret Maher 

Learning and Teaching Leader