Message from the Principal

Naplan Results & Father's Day

Earlier in the week, the Naplan results for our Year 3 and Year 5 students were received and individual results have been mailed to families. 


Overall, the results were excellent with our school achieving mean scores higher than the State, in all areas except for Year 5 writing. However, due to the small size of the Year 5 cohort (that is, 2 students), large fluctuation in results are common and therefore careful interpretation of this result is needed. 


The National mean scores will be released later in the year and it is expected our school's mean scores will be higher.  Thank you to Mr Brophy and Mr Cirillo for preparing the children and well done to all our Year 3 and Year 5 students.

Year 3

Mean Score

ReadingWritingSpellingGrammar & PunctuationNumeracy
School 481445488465455

Year 5

Mean Score

ReadingWritingSpellingGrammar & PunctuationNumeracy
School 615474520526512

Preparations and celebrations for Father's Day looked a little different for our school this year due to COVID-19, so it was important to think creatively as to how we could make it special for our Dads. I hope we were successful in achieving this.


Our Father's Day Stall was run virtually this year. As well as asking each child individually as what they wanted to purchase for their Dad, it was a wonderful opportunity for me to be able to have a chat with each child about how they are coping with the current lockdown.

Thank you to Paula Durrant (parent) and Talia Loarson (parent & staff member) who on behalf of the P&F Committee organised the gifts for the Father's Day Stall as well as to Donna Dunn (staff member) who made the Father's Day cards as well as the labels for the breakfast boxes. Talia also helped on the day of the stall by processing payments. 


As we have been unable to have the usual support from our P&F Committee due to the restrictions, it has been quite handy to have a P&F Member on staff to provide assistance during these times. 

Father's Day breakfast boxes were also available for families to purchase and enjoy over the weekend. Thank you to Talia and some of the other staff who worked tirelessly organising and putting together these magnificent boxes. 


Also, thank you to the P&F Committee for contributing to the cost of these boxes which made them much more affordable for our families.

On Saturday, an opportunity was provided via Zoom for families to connect. Thank you to those Dads and families who joined in the conversation. As a school, it is important during these difficult times to provide opportunities for our community to connect. 

Wishing all the Dads a very special Father's Day. 

Kind regards


Robyn Thomson
