Corpus Christi School Newsletter
Our Vision Statement In seeking what is true, beautiful and good, we strive to build a Catholic School Community where each is given time and support in learning to know, to do, to live together and to be. SOLI DEO For God Alone Corpus Christi School is a Child Safe School. We promote, the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
Issue 25 · 25 Aug 2021
In this issue
Religious Education and Social Justice
We Asked, Strength for this Challenging Time, We Bring Your Love
From the Principal's Desk
It Put a Smile on my Face! , Feedback, School Closure Days: Staff Professional Development Day
Book Week 2021
Theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
Book Week 2021, Book Week Food!, Book Week Quiz
Learning and Teaching
Student Well-being
#ChatStarter, Before having a chat
Chrome Music Lab!, What is Chrome Music Lab?, What can it be used for?, Can I use it to make my own songs?, Do I need to make an account?, How were these built?, What devices do these work on?, What's next for Chrome Music Lab?
Parent Partnerships
Building resilience during the COVID pandemic, Reduce the impact of COVID by reducing stress, Strengthening core skills and coping capacities, About, When, To redeem
Awards and Celebrations
Published by Corpus Christi School