Curriculum Framework

Timetable Allocations
At Jackson School please find below how the learning areas are broken down within our class timetables. Time allocations are not mandated in any learning area (with the exception of Health & PE). At Jackson School the following allocations are to be used as a guide for teachers to ensure all learning areas ofthe Victorian Curriculum F–10 are substantially addressed. Time allocations are not a measure of the quality of the teaching and learning program. How much time students are given to engage with a curriculum area will influence the knowledge and skills that can be addressed. The school timetable is broken into 50 minute periods with a 20 minute morning circle at 9am. At Jackson we work on the premise of 320 Hours (8 Hours / Week = 9.6 Periods) of English and 200 Hours (5 Hours / Week = 6 Periods) of Mathematics as our core learning areas.
Personalised Learning Pathways
Jackson School implements its curriculum focused around the eight Employability Skills inspired by the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) work related skills (WRS) outcomes, these are: Learning, Technology, Problem Solving, Planning and Organising, Initiative and Enterprise, Collaboration, Self-Awareness and Management and Communication. These are a throughline attached to the Independent Learning Curriculum (General Capabilities). All other learning areas strands/domains/modes of the Victorian Curriculum are prioritised and backwards mapped from ther Victorian Pathways Certificate outcomes. These inform our Individual Learning Plan long term goal focus areas each semester. The Victorian Curriculum content descriptions are broken down into progression statements as short term goals which teachers use as a formative and summative assessment checklist to report to parents/carers about student’s entry skills and progress each semester. At Jackson School, class time is structured into a weekly timetable, with six hours of learning per day, broken into 50 minute timetabled sessions.