Purpose & Overview

The purpose of this framework is to outline Jackson School’s organisation, implementation and review of curriculum and teaching practices and to ensure that, taken as a whole, all eight learning areas are substantially addressed, unless an exemption applies.
The framework shows, at a high level, how the school will deliver its curriculum, how the curriculum and teaching practice will be reviewed, how we assess student learning, how we record and monitor student performance, and when and how we report to parents.
This curriculum framework should be read alongside our whole school Essential Curriculum, Scope and Sequence documents, Termly and Weekly planners by learning area/Professional Learning Team.
Jackson School provides all students with a planned and structured curriculum to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to complete their schooling and to make a successful transition from school to work, training, or further education.
Jackson School is committed to offering a comprehensive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10. The key points in this framework, and in line with the F–10 Revised Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines, are a commitment to:
- A defined curriculum content is the basis for student learning
- Curriculum planning that is based on two-year bands of schooling rather than each year level
- Developing and publishing a separate whole-school curriculum plan that documents our teaching and learning program
- Reporting student learning against the achievement standards in the curriculum
- Reporting student learning to students and parents in line with the Department’s Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10 policy.
- Complying with Departmental policies relating to curriculum provision, including: