Senior School Learning

Perimeter, area and volume

The Grade 4/5/6 students have been working exceptionally hard on working out perimeter, area and volume. The students were asked to construct their own 3-dimensional shape and then work out their shape's volume. Enjoy some pictures of the finished products.

Physical Education

It's so wonderful to have students back at school learning new PE skIlls. Mrs Kelley purchased lots of new sporting equipment thanks to Sporting Schools whilst she eagerly awaited students return to school. Some of this was tennis equipment that the senior students are using during their Tennis PE unit. Junior students were also able to have their turn during recess and lunch time. It's so great to have everyone back!



Celebrating Book Week and an author from our school!

Congratulations to one of our past students Cameron Pearce who has become a published author, with his book "I want to be super Messy"!


Cameron's book is about a 10-year-old kid that wants to follow in the footsteps of his favourite soccer idol, Lionel Messi. "This story owns up to its name, what I mean by that, is that the novel soon changes from wanting to be a super soccer star, to becoming the messiest kid at school," Cameron said. "It’s a story of fiction and self-respect. The character has to learn quickly how to control his personal hygiene. Will his plan get all the bullies and stress off of his back or will it backfire?"


Well done Cameron whose book has been enjoyed by some of his piers from Teesdale already. 

Cameron's book can be purchased for Kindle or in paperback via Amazon by clicking here.