Junior School Learning

Prep/1 News

Prep/1 Literacy

Now that we are settled back into our school routine, we have been learning about Narrative texts.  Students have been working on developing language to describe a character's inside and outside traits and putting all this information together to write a detailed description of a character from Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man.


Prep/1 Numeracy

Over the past few weeks we have been solving addition and subtraction problems.  Students have been using a variety of strategies to solve number problems including number lines, counters, tens frames and multi attribute blocks (MAB).  


Junior School Inquiry

The Term 4 Inquiry topic is Geography.  Students in the Junior School have been familiarising themselves with the map of Australia and identifying the names of the states and territories.  We have also been looking Google Earth and Google Maps to navigate our way around the country.


News from 1/2


The 1/2 students have been writing different forms of poetry this term. Last week they wrote cinquain poems. These 5 line poems allow students to use verbs, adjectives and synonyms that relate to a topic. There were so many great poems to choose from to include in the newsletter. Here are just a few.


Students in 1/2 have been learning about the very interesting Dr. Seuss during literacy. After spending all week exploring his books they were able to write AMAZING book reports on one of his books. 

Lost Property - Please Label Clothing

A number of jumpers were found in the Junior School lost property tub on Thursday. Most of the jumpers are unnamed so it is difficult to return them to their owners. Please ensure jumpers are named so that they can be easily reunited with their owners. The lost property tub is located in the iddle of the Junior School building where students can easily access it.