Mr Irwin's Message

Mr Irwin's Message

Hi Families,


Welcome to this week's newsletter. Today was School Photo Day. It was exciting to finally get to conducting school photos and I know you’ll be looking forward to seeing the photos, and may have also noticed that the ordering process is a little different this year.

This afternoon your child will bring home a leaflet from Arthur Reed Photos with a unique student code on it. This code allows you to register to receive a notification of when photos are ready to view and order online.


Registering can be done using the details shown below on this page. This year all families at school are having family shots taken so parents have the option of ordering these if they wish along with individual and class photos. 


If your child misplaces or loses their unique code we have a master list at school and can provide these to you. 

A Few Reminders

Before we finish this week’s newsletter, a few reminders to families include:


that Friday is our dress up day for Book Week. Students have been reading and discussing short listed books in class. Students not wanting to dress up can attend in school uniform.


We would love to hear from as many families as possible via the Parent Opinion Survey. This was emailed to all families last week and there is still time left to respond. 

The more feedback we receive the better understanding we have on how effectively we are managing the needs of everyone at school. We would be very grateful if you have the chance to complete this survey.


Finally as we begin to look forward to 2021, if there are any families who believe they won't be attending Teesdale next year due to a change of circumstances, if you are able to contact the office and let us know so we can factor this into class sizes and budgeting for next year, that would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you and take care.