Dates to Remember

Term 4


Tuesday 27th  - School Photo Day 

Thursday 29th - Foundation Transition Day (Teesdale Kindergarten) 10-11am

Friday 30th - Book Week Dress Up Day


Students are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character. Accessories to costumes such as pretend guns and swords need to be left at home. Students not wanting to dress as their favourite character on the day can attend school in school uniform.



Tuesday 3rd - School Council Meeting

Monday 9th - Foundation Transition Day (All other kindergartens) 10-11am

Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th - Year 5/6 Camp Kangaroobie

Tuesday 10th - Year 3/4 School Sleepover


Remember your hats! 


It's that time of year again and as part of our school's Sunsmart Policy, hats are required to be worn from the start of September. Please ensure your child brings their hat to school (and it is clearly labelled with their name). The school does not have spare hats on hand if students forget to bring their own. The 'no hat no play' rule is now in place if students do not have their hat. 

If you need to purchase a new hat, these are available from our uniform supplier, Noone Uniforms.

2020 Term Dates

Term 4

Monday 5th October to Friday 18th December

Other important dates

School Assembly each Friday afternoon (Video upload on Facebook)

School Council Meeting Dates

 3 November and 8 December

Happy Birthday Wishes