I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I certainly did reading in the sun or the shade, just perfect.


Voting character competition - Did anyone check out the CBCA site for the Shortlist books? 


The winners will be released on Friday. I'm sure when the results are released much interesting discussion and debate will ensue.

Best Borrower Term 2 Voucher Holders

If your child still has one of these at home they may bring it in to spend at the Book Fair. 

Library Leaders

The Yr 6 Library Leaders are gearing up for a big week - assisting with the book fair, book week activities, and the parade on Friday. I am very thankful that these students are so enthusiastic and give up their playtimes to volunteer.

PK Mag

Parents check out the PK Mag site on the Library homepage. This is a student-friendly online magazine which the library subscribes to. The magazine affords students the opportunity to submit book reviews which then receive Australia wide coverage. It's always a great buzz of excitement when one of our own students features "online" for a large audience. The latest issue features three Yr 6 students Halley, Grace and Maddie. Check it out with your family.

IT"S HERE, the week we all love and live for! 

                              BOOK WEEK 2020

Monday 19 to Friday 23 October  

"Curious Creatures, Wild Minds"


Students have received a note regarding the Book Fair and Book Week. Please ensure you have sighted and read this note as it has many details about both events.


If paying for a book/s via Cheque please make out to 'St Nicholas School', pay online using the wish list instructions, or cash in a ziplock bag.


Remember parents you cannot attend the Fair BUT photos will be taken of the books so when your child brings home the "wish list" you can go to the Newsletter NewsFlash or your child's class Facebook page, over the weekend or on Monday, to view the cover of the book/s. This way you could get some background on the book, contents, and suitability.


Character Parade Day - NEXT FRIDAY 

The excitement is building. Discussions this week with classes have me so totally impressed with student and parent imaginations. 


Yes, there is a book called "A Rat in a Stripy Sock" who would have thought it. Picture books never cease to amaze me.


Here's a thought... still deciding with your child about their character costume for NEXT FRIDAY? 


Put on on your crazy socks from crazy sock day, make some rat ears, draw on some whiskers and blow up some balloons and WALLAH!




Please ensure your child has a library bag to begin Term 4, thankyou!


These can be purchased for $1.00 from the library.



Not just some of the time but all of the time.


No food or drink on my books

Food and drink is for the chooks

Library bags keep ‘em clean 

Books are cool don’t treat ‘em mean.

Bring your bag everytime 

Fill it up and get in line.

Have it scanned and scoot on out


We all shout


*When you are bored = READ

*When you forget to charge your device = READ

*When it's raining = READ

*When you are sent to your room = READ

*When you are sick of watching TV = READ

I'm sure you can think of many more, just ...R   E   A   D