From the Principal

David Browne

Text and Stationery Lists, School Contributions 2021

Information about the above went home with students on November 13th.  We are very close to confirming student subject lists, which will be given to students as soon as we can.  Once subject choices are confirmed, you will be able to complete the text/stationery/school contribution forms.  We apologise for the delay, however completing the subject selection and course counselling process remotely has taken longer than we expected.  We are ensuring that we provide as many students as possible with the subjects that they want.  This is quite a difficult and time consuming process.  My sincere thanks for your patience.

Year 12 Dinner

I am delighted that we have been able to arrange a year 12 dinner for our students, their parents and staff.  It didn't look like we were going to be able to do this due to the restrictions, but by holding the event in NSW, the dinner will go ahead. Details have been provided to all year 12 families.

VCE Exams

The exam period has finally commenced, with the first exam (English) occurring on November 10th.  Everything is going to plan.  I am extremely proud of how our students are managing the exam process and the calmness they are showing.  Exams at our school will conclude on November 30.

Reminder about some school rules - please discuss with your children

With so much time away from school this year, it is not too surprising that some expectations of behaviours have been forgotten.  Here is a short list of rules that I would like you to remind your children of.

  • Water.  As the warmer weather rolls in, some students think it is okay to have water fights, which it isn't.  Students whose clothes are wet will be sent home to change into a dry uniform, as wet clothes tend to smell, making an uncomfortable working environment for all.
  • Language and respect.  Since returning to onsite learning, a number of students have been using unacceptable and offensive language, towards other students and to staff.  This is completely unacceptable.  Respect for other people, including their feelings, is paramount to being a successful member of community.  A simple rule to live life by is to think before you speak - please reinforce this with your child.
  • Arrival at school.  As mentioned in last week's newsletter, once students arrive at school, they must stay at school.  Bus travellers must not alight from the bus prior to the school.  Going "down the street" or into the ovals next door is not allowed.
  • Uniform.  Students are expected to be in full uniform at all times.  We acknowledge that there have been supply issues with some uniform items, however either full compliance with uniform, or a note from home explaining the reason for being out of uniform is required.