Term 1

Year 10

Work Experience

Any student wishing to complete work experience, please come and talk to myself or Brenna Loe in the Blue building.


Year 10 Exams

All students will complete English and Math exams in Week 9 this term. Some additional subjects will run exams with students to be informed by their teachers.



Congratulations to all students representing the school in SSV Barwon Division Athletics today and good luck to all those who'll be taking part in interschool sports teams in the next few days and weeks.


Wellbeing day

Year 10 students will participate in a Wellbeing Day later this term.


Daily Mentor meeting

Students are being reminded by their Mentor to be present in the Mentor group for the full 10 minutes at 8.50am daily. If students do not attend, they will be marked absent and parents may be notified.


Roger Conron, Year 10 LCL

Year 11

The Year 11 students have settled back into school after the well-deserved term break. It’s great to have the students back from the Kokoda trip and hear all about their exciting experiences. 


Term 2 is shaping up to be another busy (and short) one for the Year 11 students. The senior girls and boys footy takes place next Thursday the 11th and cross country is on Monday the 15th. 


As part of a unit on Road Safety, the VCE-VM students will travel to the Melbourne Museum to take part in an interactive workshop by the TAC, 'Road to Zero', on Thursday the 18th. For VCE students Unit 1 & 3 exams will take place in the last week of this term.


Claire Sullivan, Year 11 LCL



The Year 11s have started this term preparing for rat dissections next week – observing the digestive system of animals as part of their unit on how plant and animal systems function.


Jenny Jerbic, Science Domain Leader

Year 12

A great start to Term 2 coming up for the Year 12 students.


Next week we have our Futures camp – with the majority of our VCE students getting to spend a night at Federation University on an immersion into university life program. This will include a “day in the life of a university student” to show how very different life is in tertiary education for a student. Ms Gibson will also run an English session and the students will hear from our welfare team as well.


The students will also have a few fun activities on the Wednesday night – but they will have to wait to see what we have planned for them. We will also be running a breakfast competition for Thursday – with teams of 5 creating a breakfast for their team and these will be judged by the staff attending.


For our VCE-VM students – I am excited that they will be opening up a café this term as well! Providing one of the main food groups for teachers – coffee!


As the term continues, we will also add a few important dates and information, including the GAT examination and end of Unit 3 Exam practices for our VCE students.


Brett Bullock, Year 12 LCL


West Cafe opening soon

The Year 11 VM and 12 VCAL students are opening the West Cafe on Tuesday 9 May, in the PAF building next to the kitchen. We will be selling hot and cold drinks with some slices and snacks. A number of our students have completed barista training and we will be using our fresh produce from the garden to make food in the future. Teachers and senior students are the only people who can order from QR codes around the school.


Upcoming VCE-VM Dates

Early Term 2 – VCE-VM Café to open 

Friday 12 May – Year 12 Mother’s Day Stall 

Tuesday 16 May – Year 11 Port of Geelong Industry Visit

Thursday 18 May – Year 11 Road to Zero excursion