Term 1

Year 7

Year 7 students have been developing their Chinese skills. Here they are writing Chinese characters from memory!

Year 9

The Year 9 students had an exciting day out at The Gordon last Thursday, when they took part in the first of a series of Geelong Tertiary Futures Program excursions. Some students attended The Gordon city campus, where they completed an induction followed by their course of either Screen and Media, Beauty Services or Health and Community Services. East campus was inundated with Year 9 students, who completed their courses in Plumbing, Landscaping, Engineering, Electrical, Carpentry, Bricklaying and Automotive.


Students had many learning experiences throughout their first taste of life after high school. I’ve heard some really positive feedback from staff at The Gordon and students from WHC. Well done to all Year 9 students, we are all looking forward to experiencing four more courses over the coming weeks.


Louise van Dugteren, Year 9 LCL


Start learning an instrument in 2023 


Would you like to learn an instrument?

Would you like to share the joy of creating music in a social setting?


The Instrumental Music Programis a great opportunity for students at WHC to learn a musical instrument or participate in vocal training.


Learning music can help students’ self-confidence, self-discipline and teamwork. Music helps students progress in other important learning areas such as Maths and English. Music Australia also notes that countries with a strong focus on music education tend to have higher scores in literacy and numeracy. Engaging music programs have been shown to help with attendance and can be particularly beneficial for students who are not achieving well in school.


Instrumental tuition is offered at WHC for bass and electric guitar, drums, keyboard/piano and vocal, as well as bass (trumpet, trombone, euphonium) and woodwind (saxophone, clarinet, flute).


By participating in a 50-minute lesson each week, students build the technical skills and knowledge to play and perform on their own and with WHC ensembles.


It’s not too late to join the Instrumental Music program in 2023. To enrol and for more information, please contact Matthew Bolton or Christina Bowden on 5277 1177.