Principal's Message

by Ms Reynolds

Happy Autumn!

Welcome back to term 2 and to another productive term. Already we have commemorated ANZAC day in a beautiful service last week. We also acknowledged Rawa in 1/2A with the Frank Ashton BEM ANZAC award. 


This term:

  • we started the term with a staff development day focused on Aboriginal Education and the work we are doing around Aboriginal reconciliation;
  • work has begun on our garden and outdoor learning area;
  • we've held a lovely 3-6 Cross Country;
  • we had work done to refurbish our Sand pit;
  • Stage 1 went to the theater to see Possum Magic
  • Stage 3 visited the Sydney Zoo;
  • we started a new Music program - called Amplify, which is exciting and engaging;
  • and... we have a trip to Coonamble, Bell Shakespeare and a new canteen provider starting next week!

All while students have settled back into the classroom routines of literacy, numeracy, inquiry and developing their self regulation and self-directions as learners. No wonder most kids are keen to come to school each day!

Cross Country
Rawa - our award recipient
The ground has been cleared for our outdoor space
Alice from the RSL, Rawa and Louise R (Principal)
our re-furbed Sand Pit!
S1 at the theatre
Cross Country
Rawa - our award recipient
The ground has been cleared for our outdoor space
Alice from the RSL, Rawa and Louise R (Principal)
our re-furbed Sand Pit!
S1 at the theatre

In other news - we have a new leader of the Department of Education (Murat Dizdar) and a new Minister of Education (Prur Car). Both of them have committed to increasing the status of teaching as a profession; reduce admin workload so that teacher can focus on teaching; and take steps to address the teacher shortage. Already we have seen signs of these changes put in place. Stay tuned!

Celebrating mothers

and Aunties, grandma's... Mothers Day is next weekend. Our P&C are holding a Mothers Day stall next Thursday 11 May. More information will come home about gifts and costs. Cash only accepted on the day.