
Mrs Leanne Schulz
Assistant Principal (Primary)
What a busy Term 1 it has been! It is wonderful to see all the new students, teachers and families settle in well to the College. Building positive relationships and ensuring that everyone belongs has been a priority in the Primary School. We have had many fun-filled learning experiences, such as KABOOM Tabloid House Sports, Harmony Day activities, PJ day for preps, farm visits, buddy sessions, excursions, Cross Country and Year 5/6 Sport for Cumberland. Teachers and students have been busy with a variety of learning experiences and assessments. Parent Teacher Interviews were a great way to finish off the term. We are ready for the term break and for the chance to relax and rejuvenate!
It has been a joy to see the positive behaviours displayed by our students in the classroom and in the playground. Students have been displaying the College values in a variety of ways and their positive behaviours have been acknowledged through our House token system and the random spinning wheel at Assembly. Our School Wide Positive Support framework and our Behavioural Expectation Matrix are referred to and explicitly taught by the teachers to promote a safe and inclusive environment.
I would like to thank the students for all their hard work this term, whether it be in the classroom or in the playground, as they learn to play together, compromise, negotiate and show respect, care and compassion. I would also like to thank the teachers for their dedication, passion and commitment to providing challenging learning experiences for the students in their care. Thank you also to our wonderful parents as your continued support of the school and staff is truly appreciated.
We wish Mr Scott Munro a safe trip as he enjoys a well-deserved Long Service break in Term 2 travelling around Europe. We wish Ms Angie Thomas, who has taught at Aitken previously, a warm welcome as she joins us and will be teaching 4M for the term.
The Primary staff and I wish you all a safe and restful term break and look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for Term 2!
Captain’s Concert
How proud we are of the Primary students who performed at the Captain’s Concert in the Chapel and Performing Arts Centre. We had singers, dancers, actors and musicians entertaining us all night. It takes a lot of practice, perseverance, dedication, passion and courage to perform in front of a large crowd. Well done and a huge thank you to the Performing Arts staff and Captains who made it a night to remember!
Reflection of Term 1 by Mia P - Year 6 Captain
Term 1 has been one busy term in Cumberland. Nine weeks of hard work, activities and presentations has now come to an end, ready for our term break and Easter celebrations.
Some topics and events that took place in Term 1 included:
The Behaviour Matrix
During Assembly and throughout our classes, we reflected on the Behaviour Matrix which comprises of topics such as Respect, Responsibility and Learning. When displaying these behavioural traits, they will help you be the best version of yourself.
Kaboom Incursion
On Thursday 16 February, the primary school students participated in the Kaboom incursion held at Aitken College. Kaboom is a sports focus program where students participate in events such as mini golf, soccer targets, catapulting, fitness wheel and parachuting. With Year 6 students leading groups, the younger students were guided, encouraged and supported throughout these activities. It was an enjoyable activity for all students and teachers. Thank you to Mrs Schulz for the Zooper Doopers.
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day was celebrated on Wednesday 8 March. It is celebrated yearly and it is a time when we focus on women’s rights and raise awareness about gender equality. This is also to increase support for women worldwide and for their achievements. Women are independent, confident, smart and hard working and are capable of accomplishing anything. It was first celebrated in 1911.
World Maths Day
With encouragement from Ms Williams, 162 primary students participated in World Maths Day which was held on Wednesday 8 March. Congratulations to all students who received awards for their accompaniments.
Harmony Day
In Australia, Harmony Day takes place on Tuesday 21 March. Not only do we celebrate Harmony Day, we celebrate Harmony Week. This is a time where we acknowledge, celebrate and support all the varied cultures that are a part of Australia. It is a reminder to demonstrate inclusivity, equality, respectfulness and belonging regardless of culture, religion and beliefs. It is also an opportunity to pay tribute to the Indigenous Australians. Over the week, the College planned a variety of activities for students and teachers during lunchtime.
Year 5/6 Interschool Summer Sports
Throughout Term 1, Year 5/6 students looked forward to Interschool Summer Sports which was held every Friday morning. The sports included Basketball, Tee-Ball, Volleyball and Cricket. Games were played at home and away. We now look forward to Winter Sports.
And that’s a wrap!
Cross Country – District
How very proud we are of all the Cumberland students who represented the College at the District Cross Country at Westmeadows Reserve. Congratulations to all the students who participated. It is a great achievement!
Mia P - Year 6A
Following on from the initial cross country event which was held at the College grounds on Tuesday 7 March, 44 Cumberland students progressed to the next round which was District. This event was held on Thursday 30 March at Westmeadows Reserve. Our Melbourne weather wasn’t quite sure what it wanted to do. One minute it was sunny, then it rained, then it was overcast, then it was warm. Definitely four seasons in one day.
The Cross Country races were categorised based on year of birth and gender. The 9/10 year olds were required to run 2kms, whilst the 11, 12 and 13 year olds were required to run 3kms. We arrived at the track early so Mrs Neilson took us students for a walk along the course to prepare and familiarise ourselves. The first race was scheduled at 10.30am and the last race was at 12.50pm.
Waiting for your own race was one of the most unsettling feelings to go through. The majority of students were nervous, many were edgy and some were excited yet we were all happy to be there. As students ran their race, all other students waited around the side lines cheering and supporting our College participants.
They signalled for us to start running and off we ran. Even though I have prepared for this event, it was still a difficult race. I am very fortunate that I placed 1st in my category.
Overall, the day was an enjoyable and amazing experience for all students whether or not they made it through to the next round. Well done to all students who participated in District and congratulations to those that have progressed to Division.
Mrs Natasha Radley (Head of Year Prep)
I would like to thank all of the Prep families for their support for Term 1. It has been a very busy term full of learning, laughter, hard work, persistence and fun.
The Prep students ended the term with Pyjama Day and an Easter Egg hunt. Oh what fun! We are absolutely certain that we saw a white, fluffy bunny tail and 2 long ears. It ate the carrots in the rooms and left some chocolate treats for the students to enjoy in their Easter baskets they made with their buddies last week. The joy on their faces was beautiful.
I wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter. May the holidays be fun and not too tiring. I can not wait to see what Term 2 brings to the amazing Prep students.
Mr Jevon Scandrett (Head of Year 1 & 2)
We have reached the end of an exciting and busy Term in Year 1 and Year 2! I am so proud of the students for all their hard work.
Year 1 and Year 2 students have been lucky to work with students from Year 9 over the past fortnight, as part of the Year 9 service projects.
Year 1 students participated in special activity sessions with students from the Year 9 service project. The students ran engaging sessions for each of the Year 1 classes all about working together as a team and developing social skills. The Year 1 students had a wonderful time meeting their peers from an older year level.
Year 2 students were involved in engaging puppet presentations by the Year 9 students. The presentations were created to compliment the learning that Year 2 have been doing in Integrated Studies. The Year 9 students also created games and activities that assisted the students to revise their knowledge and understanding of the water cycle and mini-beasts.
We were very fortunate to be a part of these projects, and the students and teachers enjoyed the sessions very much.
Should you have any questions or concerns, your first point of call should always be your child’s classroom teacher followed by myself as the Head of Years 1 and 2.
I wish all students a safe and enjoyable holiday!
Mrs Anne Adams (Head of Year 3 & 4)
Students are receiving feedback about their learning now and we are currently involved in meeting with their ‘home support team’ – all of you out there that make lunches, wash their uniforms, listen to them read at night and make sure they get a good night’s sleep. Teamwork is key and makes such a difference to your child and our students. Thank you for all of the support you are able to give them at home. Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers who have been coming in to support the Kitchen Garden program and to lend a hand in the classroom. We all appreciate the time you give back to the school and the students.
We say ‘Bon Voyage’ to Mr Munro as he heads off overseas for his well-deserved Long Service leave. We hope he has a safe and exciting trip. We also welcome Ms Thomas who was teaching at Aitken College only a year ago. It is great to have her back, if it is even only for a term. The students in 4M have written her a welcome letter each and are looking forward to working with her over Term 2.
Have a safe and happy Easter. We look forward to seeing all the students refreshed next term.
Here are some comments from the students about their learning in Term 1:
Melody M - 4R
I was in the District team for Cross Country. The course was two kilometres long. We ran over a bridge and under a road, through a tunnel. I started off in the middle with everyone else. Then people kept dropping away. I was coming third, and then I moved into second. Another girl tried to pass me but I managed to hold my place. I am now going to compete in the Cross-Country division level.
John D - 4R
I was also in the District Cross Country. We first ran two laps of the football ground. Then we went on top of a bridge and then under. We ran past the Westmeadows Cricket ground and up a hill, did a U turn and went past the Westmeadows Cricket ground again. I came eighth place. I will go on to compete in the Division level for Aitken College.
Christian C - 4M
My favourite subject is PE. I liked throwing a javelin. We also did discuss and shot put. I have put my name down for javelin, 100m, 200m and 400m. I am looking forward to the athletics next term.
Ayla E - 4M
Art is my favourite subject. There is a lot of creativity in it. I like using the analogous colours. Analogous means they are similar colours and are neighbours on the colour wheel. We are doing semi-abstract portraits.
Klaire D - 3T
I really like Maths. I liked learning about angles. We made acute, obtuse, right and straight angles. We made them with our bodies and with sticks that joined together but could move. I also like PE too.
Adam C - 3T
I really liked Maths and playing tag outside. I play with Myron, Ashar and Taj. We say ‘Dip dip you are not it’ to find out who will be ‘it’ in the game. I also like doing experiments like when we wet the black and white paper outside and predict which one would dry first.
Ana J - 3A
I love learning about different things. I love art. We made little bunnies and we painted trees. We drew them first and then we added water colour paints.
Ritvik W - 3A
Maths is my favourite subject. I know what acute, right and obtuse angles are. I love indoor games. I play with my friends on Tuesday lunchtimes. My favourite game is Chess. I also play chess on Friday’s at the Dunhelen Chess Club.
Haasya G - 3W
Performing Arts is my favourite subject because I like the games we play. One game we played was traffic lights. When the teacher calls out the words ‘traffic lights’ we have to get into groups of three people. One has to be sitting on the floor, one on their knees and one standing up. Then we have to ‘blink’ with our hands. There are other words she calls out and we have to act as that thing or person. It’s a really fun game. I am really good at drama and acting and that’s why I love it.
Ashmit C - 3W
I like to play games outside. I love soccer, tag and sometimes I play cricket. I play with Matthew, Harit and Liam. We go to the futsal court on Wednesdays for soccer. When we play tag, we do ‘Dip dip’ to find out who will be it. We run and hide around the buildings and on the oval.
Mr Nigel Keegan (Head of Year 5 & 6)
It has been a very engaging, interesting, and busy Term 1 for our Year 5 & 6 students and staff! It’s been wonderful to see how well students have settled into their new learning spaces and the way these spaces have been used to enhance student learning. This term, students have participated in an array of learning experiences. In addition to the excellent work completed in classroom subjects, students have participated in the Cross Country Carnival, Interschool Sport, school-based sport program, the STEM program, various lunchtime clubs, Year 5 Sovereign Hill excursion, the Buddies program, and Year 6 Peer Support training. All have been such valuable learning experiences and opportunities. Well done to all our Year 5 and Year 6 students for your effort and involvement, and positive contributions this term.
Have a lovely Easter and enjoy a well-earned break with your families.
The STEM Lab has been getting lots of use at lunchtime this term!
Mondays see our Years 3-6 Minecrafters working collaboratively as they use their creativity and problem-solving skills to build worlds to explore. We can have up to 80 students join Minecraft Mondays! It's just as well we have got that great gallery space to spill into! It is wonderful to walk around and see the students working collaboratively, being creative and helping each other explore Minecraft.
Lunchtime on Thursday sees the STEM Lab filled with Year 5-6 Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Robotics enthusiasts. This group is limited to around 30 students. Each student has a kit to work with, and each week they pick up their kit and continue where they left off during the last session. All the students have been working to build a drive train. Once they've mastered this build, they can pull it apart and choose their next Mindstorm project.
Message from Harper G and Uvinyaa W (Year 6 Community Service Captains)
The Easter Hamper was a huge success, thanks to the support of our Fairview and Cumberland students! Together we raised $540 for the Royal Children's Hospital and their Good Friday Appeal, which will help sick children in need.
The lucky winners of first prize were Grace B from Fairview and Lucy B from Cumberland. Did you notice anything interesting? That's right, sisters won both prizes!
Congratulations to the Buttigieg Family!
Happy Easter and thank you for your support.