Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Reception Hours
Please note that the College Reception and Accounts Office opening hours are now 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. During school holiday periods, opening hours are 9.00am to 4.00pm.
Parenting Advice
Independent Schools Victoria hosts a website called The Parents Website, containing regular articles of interest to all parents. You can also subscribe to the site for regular email updates. A particularly relevant current article is by well-known psychologist Andrew Fuller on motivating boys to learn. Go to the following link:
Lost Property
Lots of student clothing is brought to the First Aid room; unfortunately, much is un-named so cannot be returned via homerooms to the owner. If personal property is named it can be returned; if un-named and unclaimed it will be donated to the Parents and Friends for re-sale.
Consent2Go Parent App
The Consent2Go parent app can be downloaded from the App store and is an easy way to keep track of student events, update your child’s personal information and respond to event consent invitations. Please see the information guide attached here.
ANZAC Service
The College’s annual ANZAC service will be held on Wednesday 26 April at 10.30am at the front of the school. Parents are welcome to attend and can gather along the bus zone fence.