Physical Education

Primary Broadmeadows District Cross Country
On Thursday 30 March, the Primary Cross Country Team competed at the Broadmeadows District Cross Country event at Westmeadows Reserve. Over 40 students from our school participated and gave it their all. The event was a great opportunity for students to showcase their abilities and compete against other schools in our district.
It was inspiring to see everyone performing their best and pushing themselves to reach the finish line. I would like to congratulate all the students who participated in the event and thank Mr Miller, Mr Keegan and Mrs Barrett for helping at the excursion.
Special congratulations to the students who have progressed through to the next round in Term 2. I wish them all the best and hope they continue to excel.
Northern Metropolitan Regional Swimming Championships
On Thursday 30 March, Noah G, Aaron K and Therese E competed at the Northern Metropolitan Region Swimming Championships against other schools in our region. It was a fantastic achievement to reach the regional finals and I am proud to say that they represented us admirably.
I would like to congratulate Noah G, Aaron K and Therese E on their outstanding swimming efforts. Their dedication, hard work and swimming performances were amazing. It is always inspiring to see our students excel, and I couldn't be prouder of them. Well done to all three students!
Mrs Gemma Neilson
Primary Sports Coordinator