en Français

Bonjour ! 


C’est la rentrée! 

Back to French class this week! 


In preps, we’ve learnt some new vocabulary to use in the classroom. We’ve practised “Donne-moi le crayon, s’il-te-plaît” (Give me the pencil, please) and “Tiens, merci!” (There you go, thank you). 


In Grade 1/2, we’ve reviewed some action verbs to use in the classroom and at home. We practice how to make a sentence using the action verbs. For example “tout le monde écoute et regarde” (Everyone listens and looks). 


In Grade 3/4 and 5/6, we are learning new action verbs to use in the classroom like aide (help),  andask (demande). We make longer sentences using the action verbs and the known vocabulary. For example “Est-ce que tu peux m’aider?” (Can you help me?).

Each week, we can learn a new French word. The word of the week is: “C’est la rentrée! (It's back to school day!). 



À bientôt !


Madame Raphaëlle