Wargomerrin News - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Highlighting 7H

7H has taken to the school year at BSC like ducks to water. They have formed strong friendships within the class and have a genuine like for each other. This has cultivated a fun and comfortable learning environment where everyone is able to take risks, share their ideas and know they’ll be granted the respect and opportunity to learn and grow. 


Ms Poynton and 7H
Ms Poynton and 7H



In Maths so far this year, we have covered measurement and geometry, problem solving, and worked on our big food truck units, to name a few. 


We are currently tackling the tricky topic of statistics and probability, but with the help of jelly beans and skittles we are sure to get there. 




7H has been an absolute delight to teach for English. The creativity of this bunch has never ceased to amaze me. The two text types that we have focused on this year so far were narratives and persuasives. 


Students thrived with narratives, looking at character development, plot twists, narrative arcs and strong conclusions. 


No one can support an argument quite like a 7H student, as is very evident through their persuasive writing units. We had some passionate and well structured discussions in class, ranging from whether school uniforms should be compulsory right through to the future of food and whether bugs were to become a sustainable alternative to most foods. And the conclusive decision was made that pineapple does NOT belong on a pizza. 


Along side our text types, 7H have become fluent in developing IT skills, using alternative programs, such as Canva, and the ever loved Typing Club. But the silence that fills the classroom when it is reading time, shows that 7H are finding the enjoyment in texts and escaping into pages for an increasing amount of time. 





7H is looking at song writing, a rich task requiring skills on melody writing, chord progressions, text and understanding how to structure the various elements to achieve the final result.

Angelina and Ashleigh
Angelina and Ashleigh




Currently students in 7H are completing overlay maps of Australia that assess their ability to include key features on maps. As part of this they learn about rainfall maps and also land formations. 


David 7H
Angelina, Sherry and Lisa
David 7H
Angelina, Sherry and Lisa



In science students have been learning about forces for the past 3 weeks. To begin the term students were tasked with applying their understanding of simple machines to create a ski lift that is self-supported. They had an added challenge with creating one that is the longest and can withstand the most weight. The class embraced the challenge and were able to hone in on their engineering and problem solving skills to use a range of materials to create their ski lift


Lincoln and Zak 7H
Sherry & Lisa
Max & Mitchell
Lincoln and Zak 7H
Sherry & Lisa
Max & Mitchell




Students have been participating in and learning about different invasion sports, where the aim is to invade the opponent's territory to score a goal. We have played tchoukball, AFL football and have just begun soccer. 


During health lessons we will be looking at respectful relationships and the changes our bodies go through during adolescence. 


We are looking forward to the school cross country and interschool sports offered this Term. 



Food Technology


7H enjoying the fruits of their first production in Food Technology - fruit salad!




Max, Mitchell and Trent
Zak and Lincoln
Sherry and Lisa
Max, Mitchell and Trent
Zak and Lincoln
Sherry and Lisa

Study Sessions  

Homework club has started for Term 2 in the Senior building. This is open for ALL students at the college.


Homework club is a terrific opportunity for students to both catch up or get ahead in work. Students are offered the opportunity to work in small groups with other students or have one on one tutoring with their teachers, or other teachers from our College.


If you are interested speak with your teachers and let them know when you are looking to attend or go to the Senior building on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.


Homework club runs from 3.20 pm to 5.00 pm and students are free to arrive and leave as they need. Fresh baked afternoon tea is provided on Thursdays by the VCE Vocational Major students.